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Author's pov..

Felix sat on the edge of his bed, clutching the ornate engagement party brochure in his hands. The design was elaborate, but it did little to comfort him. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, were seated across from him, their faces a mix of anticipation and reassurance.

"Felix, this is a fantastic opportunity for us," Mrs. Lee said, her excitement palpable. "The Hwangs are a prestigious family. This marriage will strengthen our family's position."

Felix sighed, looking up at them. "I understand that, but I wish I had more say in this. It feels so... forced."

Mr. Lee leaned in, his tone serious but gentle. "I know, son. But sometimes sacrifices are necessary for the greater good. Hyunjin Hwang is a good man. I'm sure you'll find this arrangement has its merits."

Felix tried to smile, though his nerves were frayed. "I hope so. I just wish I knew more about him."

Mrs. Lee reached out and patted his hand reassuringly. "You'll have time to get to know him. Just keep an open mind."


Meanwhile, Hyunjin sat in his office, surrounded by stacks of paperwork and family photographs. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hwang, were discussing the upcoming marriage with him.

"Hyunjin, this marriage to the Lee family is crucial for our company," Mr. Hwang said, his voice firm. "It will secure our business interests and strengthen our position."

Hyunjin rubbed his temples, feeling the pressure. "I understand, but I feel like I have no control over this. What about my own plans and desires?"

Mrs. Hwang, her tone softer but firm, added, "Hyunjin, sometimes we must make personal sacrifices for the greater good. This alliance is one of those sacrifices."

Hyunjin glanced at the documents on his desk. "I just wish there was a way to make this work without so much compromise."

Mr. Hwang's expression softened slightly. "You're a smart young man. You'll find a way to adapt. Remember, sometimes personal sacrifices lead to greater rewards."

Hyunjin nodded, feeling a mix of resignation and determination. "I'll do my best."


Later that evening, Felix and Hyunjin met for dinner at a lavish restaurant, the air thick with nervous energy. The formalities of the arranged marriage hung between them like an invisible thread. As they sat across from each other, Hyunjin decided to put his plan into action.

"So, Felix," Hyunjin began, leaning forward with a charming smile, "I have to say, you're even more captivating in person than I imagined."

Felix blinked, a blush creeping up his cheeks. "Oh, um, thank you."

Hyunjin's smile widened. "I'm serious. I didn't think it was possible for anyone to look so good while making such a big decision."

Felix's blush deepened, and he fidgeted with his napkin. "Well, I guess that's one way to put it."

Hyunjin leaned in closer, his tone playful. "Tell me, Felix, do you always blush so easily, or is it just my charm getting to you?"

Felix's eyes widened slightly, his face now a full shade of red. He tried to regain his composure but couldn't help stammering. "I, uh, I don't usually... I mean, I'm not..."

Hyunjin chuckled softly, enjoying the effect he had on Felix. "It's quite endearing, actually. I must say, I didn't expect to be so taken with you so quickly."

Felix glanced down at his plate, struggling to hide his embarrassment. "Well, I suppose it's better than being totally indifferent."

As the conversation continued, Hyunjin's flirtatious remarks, though playful, left Felix both amused and flustered. Hyunjin's strategy to unsettle Felix was working, but it also led to an unexpected and genuine connection between them.

By the end of the evening, the initial tension had transformed into a light-hearted rapport. Hyunjin's charm and Felix's growing curiosity left both of them wondering what the future might hold for their unconventional arrangement.


Nothing toxic.. 💖🎀

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