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The house was quiet, save for the gentle hum of the air conditioner. Felix lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, the dim light from the bedside lamp casting soft shadows around the room. Hyunjin was already asleep, and Felix found himself alone with his thoughts.

His mind drifted back to his college days, a time marked by more than just academic challenges. Felix had always been reserved, preferring the comfort of solitude to the bustling social scenes that seemed to define campus life. He remembered walking through the crowded hallways, feeling like an outsider among the sea of animated conversations and laughter.

The memories were vivid and painful. The teasing, the whispers that seemed to follow him wherever he went, and the occasional push or shove in the hallways—these were more than just minor inconveniences. They were constant reminders of his perceived inadequacies.

Felix’s thoughts turned to a particular day that had lingered in his mind. He had been sitting alone in the library, trying to study, when a group of students had come in, laughing loudly. They had noticed him, and for reasons he couldn’t quite understand, decided to make him the subject of their amusement. They'd thrown crumpled papers at him and mimicked his quiet demeanor. Felix had sat there, frozen, his heart pounding in his chest, unable to confront them or leave.

As he lay in bed, Felix clenched his fists, the memory still sharp despite the passing years. He thought about how he’d retreated further into his shell after those incidents, finding solace in his studies and his own company, but often feeling isolated and misunderstood.

He turned onto his side, staring at the clock on his nightstand. The numbers ticked away slowly, and he couldn’t help but reflect on how those experiences had shaped him. The introversion that had once been a shield had also become a barrier, making it difficult for him to open up to others, even when he wanted to.

Felix sighed and closed his eyes, trying to push away the remnants of those painful memories. He thought about how his interactions with Hyunjin had been different. The playful banter, the subtle moments of care—they were new and unfamiliar but oddly comforting. The way Hyunjin teased him about falling in love, and how Hyunjin’s light-hearted approach contrasted sharply with the harshness he had faced before.

Felix wondered if he was ready to let go of the shadows of his past, to trust that things could be different now. The loneliness that had once defined him was slowly giving way to the possibility of connection, but it was a slow and uncertain process.

As sleep began to claim him, Felix clung to the hope that he could find a new chapter in his life, one where he could finally allow himself to be seen and valued for who he was. The echoes of the past were fading, and in their place, he was beginning to imagine a future that, for the first time, seemed worth reaching for.

But what felix doesn't know is someone from past can maybe come back in his life..

Guysssss.. Today i have to go uni to collect my books for this sem and i'm sooo frustrated. Like how will my introvert ass will manage in so many people.

So if i don't post chapter in noon or evening just know that i'm sleeping cause i'm soo tired and it'll be worse when i'll be back from uni cause uni is so far 😭

I'll post new chapter tommorow or maybe tonight. ❤🐈

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