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Author's pov..

Hyunjin lay in the hospital bed, his breathing steady and calm. The room was bathed in the soft light of morning, the beeping of the heart monitor a gentle reminder of his presence in the world. His right leg was encased in a cast, and his head was bandaged, but the steady rise and fall of his chest indicated he was resting comfortably.

Nearby, Felix was curled up on the couch, his head nestled in the crook of his arm. The fatigue was evident in his face, but he remained vigilant, his gaze flickering occasionally toward Hyunjin as if to reassure himself that everything was alright.

The sound of the door opening brought Felix out of his half-sleep. A doctor stepped in, wearing a white coat and carrying a clipboard. He had a calm, composed demeanor that immediately put Felix at ease.

“Good morning,” the doctor greeted, his voice warm and friendly. “I’m Dr. Chan. How’s Hyunjin doing today?”

Felix stretched and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself fully. “Good morning, Doctor. He’s about the same as yesterday.”

Dr. Chan approached the bed, glancing at Hyunjin with a professional yet caring expression. “Well, we’ve reviewed his case, and everything is looking stable. Given the nature of his injuries, we’ll need to keep him under observation for about a month before we can consider discharge.”

Felix’s face fell slightly. “A month? Is there any chance it could be sooner?”

Dr. Chan shook his head gently. “Unfortunately, not at this stage. We need to ensure proper healing of his leg and monitor his head injury closely. As for medications, we’ll prescribe pain relievers and antibiotics to help with the recovery process. I’ll provide the details to the nurse.”

Felix nodded, absorbing the information. “Alright, thank you. I’ll make sure he gets everything he needs.”

Dr. Chan offered a reassuring smile. “Before I go, there’s something I’d like to share. Hyunjin and I were school friends. We’ve kept in touch over the years. It’s nice to see a familiar face here. Once he’s recovered, perhaps we could all hang out together. It would be good to catch up.”

Felix’s eyes widened with interest. “Really? That sounds great. It would be nice to have something to look forward to.”

Dr. Chan nodded. “I’ll be around to check in on him regularly. If you need anything or have any concerns, don’t hesitate to ask.”

With that, Dr. Chan left the room, and Felix turned his attention back to Hyunjin. He gently brushed a strand of hair from Hyunjin’s forehead and placed a soft kiss there, a gesture of comfort and affection.

As Felix prepared to return to the couch, Hyunjin’s hand reached out, grasping Felix’s wrist. Startled, Felix looked down. Their eyes met, and the moment seemed to stretch, both of them caught in a gaze that was both tender and electrifying. Felix’s heart raced, the beat quickening like a train pulling out of the station.

The connection was undeniable, a spark that felt as satisfying as cheese melting over a pizza. Felix leaned in, his thoughts drifting toward a kiss, when Hyunjin suddenly flicked his forehead with a playful smirk.

“Ow!” Felix exclaimed, rubbing the spot. “What was that for?”

Hyunjin chuckled softly. “I’m feeling itchy and I want a shower. Can you help me?”

Felix blinked, momentarily thrown by the sudden change in topic. “A shower? With your injuries?”

Hyunjin nodded earnestly. “Yes, but only if you help me. I promise I’ll be careful.”

Felix sighed, his expression a mix of frustration and amusement. “Alright, alright. But don’t make me regret this. Let’s get you sorted out.”

Felix carefully wheeled Hyunjin into the bathroom, where warm water awaited. He set about preparing the bath, adjusting the temperature and arranging towels. Hyunjin watched with a mixture of amusement and gratitude, though his head and leg were clearly bothering him.

As Felix began to undress him, Hyunjin let out a wistful sigh. “Oh, how I wish it were a normal situation. I would’ve taken you right here if my leg wasn’t injured.”

Felix’s hands paused, and he looked up, his face a mix of surprise and embarrassment. “Seriously? Is that how you’re going to play this? Because right now, I’m more concerned about keeping you from slipping in the tub.”

Hyunjin smirked, trying to ignore the discomfort of his injuries. “Well, it’s true. If I weren’t stuck with this cast, I’d definitely be more… enthusiastic about our ‘date’.”

Felix shook his head, trying to maintain his composure as he carefully lifted Hyunjin’s shirt over his head. “I’m flattered, really. But I think you should focus on getting better rather than planning any ‘romantic’ escapades.”

Hyunjin chuckled softly, wincing a bit as Felix undid his pants. “Oh, come on. Don’t act like you wouldn’t enjoy a little excitement.”

Felix’s face turned a shade redder as he helped Hyunjin step out of his pants. “I think I’ll stick to excitement that doesn’t involve injury or hospital gowns. And right now, my idea of a perfect day is getting you cleaned up without any mishaps.”

Hyunjin’s grin widened as he leaned back, trying to get comfortable. “You’re no fun. I thought you were up for a challenge.”

Felix rolled his eyes, but his smile was warm as he took Hyunjin’s underwear off carefully. “Trust me, dealing with your current ‘challenges’ is quite enough. Let’s save the daring adventures for when you’re fully healed.”

As Hyunjin eased into the bath, Felix grabbed a washcloth, his voice taking on a teasing tone. “So, any other declarations of love before we start scrubbing?”

Hyunjin relaxed into the warm water, a playful sparkle in his eyes. “Only that I’m incredibly grateful you’re here to help me. Even if it means I have to keep my romantic plans on hold.”

Felix chuckled, starting to wash Hyunjin’s shoulders with gentle strokes. “Well, as long as you keep that appreciation coming, I think we’ll both survive this. Just don’t expect any extra romantic gestures until you’re out of this cast.”

Hyunjin laughed softly, enjoying the playful banter as he soaked in the warmth of the bath. “Deal. For now, I’m content with your company and your excellent bathing skills.”

Felix smiled, shaking his head as he continued with the bath. “Glad to hear it. Let’s make sure you’re clean and comfortable, and we’ll save the rest for later.”

When the bath was done, Felix helped Hyunjin out, drying him off with careful strokes and dressing him in clean clothes before wheeling him back to the bed. Once settled, Felix returned to the couch, feeling a sense of accomplishment mixed with fatigue.

The days ahead would be long, but with Dr. Chan’s offer to hang out and the unspoken bond between them, Felix felt a renewed sense of hope. They had a journey to navigate, but together, they were ready to face whatever came next.


Its not fairrrrr.. Why don't they just kiss 😭😭😭

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