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The class was nearly beginning, everyone filing in, person by person, claiming there seats. Allison walked across the front of the class, seeking her normal seat that would be right by Lydia, but saw it had been claimed by someone else, as did nearly all the seats in the classroom.

Except one.

Which unfortunately, sat right in front of Scott. Allison approached the seat nervously, and said, "Is someone..." She trailed off, and Scott immediately replied.

"No, no, no, no. No, It's all you, all yours. Uh, it's totally vacant." He rambled nervously, desperately to sound calm in the awkward situation. Allison smiled slightly at his ramble, and sat down on the seat, preparing her books.

Scott turned in his seat, looking at Stiles who gave him a sarcastic smile and a thumbs up, though both of them knew he simply looked like a nervous puppy.

A sudden ding sounded from Scott's phone, grabbing his attention as he opened his text message, and soon, heard everyone else in the classes phone go off, assumedly with the same text message.

"'The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed sombre under an overcast sky - seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness.' This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text receive in this class. Phones off, everyone." Miss Blake said as she entered the classroom, a women following close behind her, a strong scent emanating from her, seeping it's way throughout the classroom, till her scent was so distinctive, it couldn't be ignored, and it sent Scott's senses on high alert.


"Everyone. This woman here is called Miss Arabella, and she will be overlooking our class for today. She will be looking out for teaching skills and behaviour, as well as our work quality, from not just this class but, various others to help her write a review of the school. Won't you, Miss Arabella?" Miss Blake said as she smiled kindly at the so-called Miss Arabella.

Scott narrowed his eyes at Miss Arabella, finding it unusual that a random review would be done of the school, in such a tense time like theres, by none other than a werewolf.

Miss Arabella returned Miss Blakes kind smile with one of her own, though it looked forced as she said, "Indeed. You actually so happen to be learning about one of my favourite books; Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, written in around the late 1890's I believe, of my memories correct. I won't give anything away but, I must say, it is a haunting, hypnotic masterpiece by a great writer who towers over the literature of the 20th century. You're in for a real treat if you want to consider yourself a well-educated adult." Miss Arabella said, before walking to the back of the class and sitting down on a table that rested on the far edge.

It was hard to believe she was in to literature at all, given her choice of clothing, that didn't make her appear to professional either. She wore a low cut, grey, long sleeved shirt, black jeans and combat boots, and a notepad and pen in hand, but they wouldn't have let her roamed around the school randomly if she didn't at least have some type of paperwork or documents that probed her job position. We'll be safe, Scott thought.

But would they?


Mid reading the first few pages of the book, a teacher came in and whispered something into Miss Blake's ear, before leaving again, and Miss Blake's eyes landed on Scott.

Soon, the both of them stood outside the classroom, the door shut between the classroom and them, but even from where Miss Arabella stood, she could hear every word as if they were standing right by her.

"Mr. McCall? Uh, I'm sure it's an emergency if your mother needs you to leave school, but I'm going to give you a warning in the nicest possible way. I am well aware of your attendance record. I don't wanna see you slip back into old habits." Miss Blake said, sounding as any other concerned teacher would.

Scott nodded, "I won't. It's gonna be different this year." He said, confidence dripping from his tone of voice.

Miss Blake still looked at him unconvinced, and said, "Resolutions are only good if you stick with them, Scott."

"I will. I promise it won't be ephemeral." Scott said with a smile before walking away, Miss Blake giving his a disbelieving smile, before she re-entered her classroom once again, and carried on teaching the lesson.

Miss Arabella frowned, knowing she would be unable to leave the classroom just yet, and decided that she would leave in ten minutes, as to not look too suspicious.

As soon as it had passed the appropriate amount of time, Miss Arabella left the classroom, with the excuse that she had all that she needed, and ran out to the front of the school, throwing her empty notepad and pen in the bin.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, quickly dialling a number before pressing it to her ear, waiting for someone to pick up the phone.

"Dea." A man with a gruff voice said.

"Bellator." Dea said.

"I see the fake paperwork did you good. Did you get any information?" Bellator asked. Dea could practically hear his smirk through the phone. He was always smug when he did well.

"Not even in the slightest. I haven't found any information that can help us find out why the Alpha's are here. I figured they'd want Scott McCall since he's been giving himself quite a name, but he's not an Alpha, not from what I can sense anyway. I haven't exactly been able to go one on one with him yet." Dea explained, running a hand through her dead straight, black, silky hair, that fell around her waist.

"Then it has to be Derek. He's the only Alpha in Beacon Hills now. It has to be him." Bellator said, confidently.

Dea shook her head, "I doubt it. Deucalion may lead a pack of Alpha's, but they've all had something appealing to him, one way or another. Except from the Hale fire, and the fact that he, with the help of Scott and a few others managed to kill Peter Hale, and defeat the Kanima and his master, there isn't much else to him. He's an Alpha to a bunch of kids, and he's only just started grasping what it means to be an Alpha, but only just. Deucalion must be here for someone else, but the question is: Who?" Dea wondered out loud, confusion clear in her voice. She hated not understanding, but Deucalion was smart. Smarter than the average criminals she's killed, and she knew this job would take a lot longer than normal.

"I see your point. Well, you're the boss. What're my orders?" Bellator asked, his voice stern.

"Find me Scott McCall."


First Chapter! Tell me what you think. Apologies for any mistakes that you may find, but this chapter is unedited so...

Anyway, please tell what you think!

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