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"I know where they are." Scott said as he rushed into Derek's place, Derek, Peter, Boyd, Cora, Dea, Leandros and Bellator all surrounding a table filled with blueprints and schemes, heads turned to look at Scott.

Derek nodded, "Same building as the Argents, we know." He said as Scott started to approach the table.

"Cora and I followed the twins." Boyd said.

Scott gave him a look, lightly shaking his head before saying with a worried tone, "Then they want you to know."

Peter then pitched in, "Or, more likely, they don't care." He said.

Scott looked down, finally noticing the massive familiar blue-print that covered most of the table, and asked, "What is this?"

"Isn't it obvious? The schemers are scheming, coming up with a coup de main, better known as a pre-emptive strike." Peter answered, arms crossed over his chest.

"You're going after them?" Scott said, eyebrow raised with an incredulous look on his face.

Derek nodded determinedly and said, "Tomorrow. And you're gonna help us. They're one floor above them in the penthouse, right above Allison."

The incredulous look on Scott's face remained as he asked, "So kill them first, that's the plan?" Making Dea roll her eyes at Scott's incessant need to stick with morals.

"Well, after I have a friendly chat with Deucalion but yes, that's the general idea. Do you need me to draw a picture for you?" Dea said sarcastically, hand on her hip as her followers stood on both sides.

Boyd looked back at Scott, "They won't even see it coming."

Scott gave them all a look as he said, "Why is the default plan always murder? Just once, can someone try to come up with something that doesn't involve killing everyone?" His tone underlined with frustration.

Peter looked him up and down, and said, "You never get tired of being so blandly moral, do you?" He then looked at Derek and added, "Not that I disagree with him."

Cora looked at Peter disbelievingly before turning to look at Scott, "I do. Why do we need this kid?" She asked, looking him up and down with a judgmental look on her face.

"This kid helped save your life. And you know we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move." Derek defended before looking back at Scott.

Scott shook his head lightly, "You can't beat a pack of alphas. Even with Dea, Bellator and Leandros on your side, they're packless Alphas while they're Alphas that killed they're entire pack. That gives them a huge advantage over us." He said.

"We've also spent our entire lives training and killing supernatural criminals." Dea said, slightly insulted that Scott underestimated her and her followers that much.

"We're going after Deucalion, just him." Cora said.

Boyd nodded in agreement, "Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies." He said.

"Only this isn't a snake, it's a hydra. And like Scott said, they're all alphas." Peter added, giving them all a pointed look.

Derek looked at his uncle, and said with confidence and assurance, "Deucalion's still the leader."

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