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       Scott stood in front of the now roughly scratched, and peeled wooden door, with the Alpha pack sign painted on the door. His fingers traced over the symbol, before he looked over to Derek, and said, "The birds at school and the deer last night... just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha. How many are there?"

       Derek sighed slightly before answering, "A pack of 'em. An Alpha pack."

       Stiles looked at Derek, confused and asked, "All of them? How does that even work?"

       "I hear there's some kind of leader. He's called Deucalion. We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac and I have been looking for him for the last four months." Derek said. You could almost sense his frustration.

       Scott stood up straighter, processing the newly given information and asked, "Let's say you find them. How do you deal with an Alpha pack?"

       Derek looked Scott straight in the eye, and said, "With all the help I can get."

       "And that's where I come in, boys." A feminine voice sounded from behind Scott, making him jump as he stepped back and took a look at the new visitor, and saw that it was none other than Miss Arabella.

       Stiles turned to Derek, confused and asked, "You asked Miss Arabella, an inspector to help you?"

       Derek turned and sent a glare his way, but before he could say anything, Dea beat him to it, "I prefer to be called Dea instead of Miss Arabella, and we're," She said, emphasising on the word 'we're' as two muscular looking men appeared behind her. All stepped inside the house, before Dea continued, "not exactly inspectors." As the words left her mouth, all three of their eyes glowed a haunting red, representing their Alpha status.

       "Then who the hell are you guys, and why are you here?" Scott asked, becoming suspicious of the trio.

       "We're sometimes called 'The Venenosa Septam's' but we come from an organisation called The Mercenaries. The Mercenaries are a group of specially chosen Beta's, trained to protect the balance of the supernatural race." Dea explained, a stern expression on her face.

       Stiles eyebrows shot up, "Protect the bala- hey, here's a pretty good question; WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS WHEN A DAMN PSYCHOTIC KILLING ALPHA WAS ON THE LOOSE?! Or you know, when a cold-hearted son-of-a-bitch was turned into a Kanima controlled by a homicidal, freaky, mind-twisted teenager that was then killed by a crazy, dying hunter, who then gained control of the damn Kanima, so he could get an Alpha's bite to live, and take revenge for the death of his psychotic, bitch of a daughter, who was also a hunter, before the psychotic killing Alpha slashed her throat open, for killing nearly his entire family in a house fire - which by the way, was against their oh-so-lovely code that they supposedly treat like law - and was burned alive by the fire, and then sent into a coma for six years. I'M PRETTY SURE THAT CALLS FOR SOME HELP!" Stiles yelled in one breath, and by the time he was done, he was gasping for air, while everyone looked at him, shocked from his outburst.

       Dea, Bellator, and the third man who was called Leandros, all looked at him shocked as well as amused, before a blank expression replaced their amused ones. Dea raised an eyebrow, just as Stiles looked up from his gasping, and groaned, "Why do I get the feeling that you're about to say something that's going to make me look like an idiot?" He said, more than asked.

       Derek looked at him, raising both of his eyebrows as he said, "Because she probably is."

       "Listen carefully, and listen close. The hunters are here to make sure everything is in place, to make sure no psychotic alpha goes in a rampage, or no Kanima gets used to kill anyone the master pleases. They deal with the minor problems. Our job is to deal with the bigger problems. Problems that a group of teenagers, nor hunters can deal with. We are the ones that make sure everything stays in order. If an Alpha pack decided to do a killing spree, we are the ones to make sure to show their place. The deal with us is; if you don't cause big problems that threaten that oh-so important balance," Dea said, her voice getting more and more aggressive as she neared Stiles, making him grow nervous.

       "Uh, guys-" Stiles started to say, but his sentence was cut short when Dea roughly grabbed his jaw in a tight grasp, that for sure would leave bruises, and brought him close to her face, so that she would look deep into her glowing red eyes.

       Scott stepped forward, wanting to help his friend from being hurt, but Derek stopped him. Derek knew the the Mercenaries never hurt humans or supernaturals if they hadn't done anything to disturb peace or balance. He knew that Dea was simple putting him in his place for insulting Dea's job.

       "You get to keep that pumping, beating heart of yours in your chest, where it belongs." Dea growled before letting go of Stiles jaw, and stepping back. "Never insult or question my job. We deal with the big issues, not with something as common as vengeful Alpha's. How many Alpha's do you think there are in the world?" Dea asked rhetorically, and before Stiles could reply, she asked another rhetorical question, "Now, how many of those Alpha's get betrayed by someone they trusted, and go out seeking revenge?"

       This time, Stiles stayed silent.

       "Exactly. It seems like a small world but it's bigger than we think. Remember the difference between what The Hunters are here for, and what The Mercenaries are here for." Dea asked as she turned to Scott and Derek.

       Derek shook his head. He already knew everything there was to know about The Mercenaries. Scott, however, had a lot to learn, "You said; The Mercenaries were a group of specially trained Beta's. You're all Alpha's?" He asked.

       Dea rolled her eyes, "How about we do teacher lectures another time? Right now, I need to talk to the man that specifically needed my assistance." Dea said, throwing a look Derek's way.

       "And right now, I need to understand who the hell we're apparently trusting to help save our damn lives." Scott growled out. He wanted more answers. No, he needed more answers.

       "All you need to understand, is that I'm a woman on a mission, now shut he hell up, and let me work." Dea growled back, shoving past him to talk to Derek in private, Bellator and Leandros following behind her.

       Stiles walked to Scott's side and shook his head, "I don't trust her. There's still too much to understand before we let her help us, and she won't give us any answers. All she told us is her job. How do we know she's not a really good liar? They're three Alpha's, how do we know she's not a part of Deucalions pack?" Stiles asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at Dea.

       Scott nodded in agreement. He didn't trust Dea, not even in the slightest. Especially after she tried hurting his best friend. He knew nothing about her, and she had done nothing that could gain his trust. If anything, all she had done was decrease his trust on her. However, there was one thing Scott knew about her for sure, even of he knew her for the shortest amount of time, one thing was certain.

       She was an enigma.

       And enigma's are born from stories worth hearing.


Second chapter, hope you enjoyed it! Make sure you comment your thoughts!


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