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       The scene around Dea blurred as she rushed through the forest, not even the crunch of leaves or the soft bristle of the branches alerting the area of her presence. The moon gave little light to her surroundings, yet as her eyes blazed a fiery red, she navigated her way as if she knew the forest.

       She was fast, swift, agile and powerful. Occasionally leaping here and there, on a branch or off the side of a tree. Either way, she never slowed down, never stopped to catch a breath or staggered as she blended in with the shadows of the forest, her searing eyes being the only feature you could clearly see through the dark.

       The way she moved would make anyone question wether she had werewolf blood running in her veins or that of a panther. Dea smiled blissfully as she cut through the breeze, feeling it flow against her body as she felt power rush through her veins, making her smile widen as the power she felt was like a drug and she was the addict.

       However, her moment of bliss was cut short as she arrived at her destination. She slowed down as she arrived at a small clearing, seeing the backs of Scott and Deucalion as they gazed at a tree in which a few fireflies flew around.

       "I still don't understand, Deucalion." Dea huffed as she approached the two, both already sensing her presence by her scent, "You know I'm a great tracker, so why didn't you let me go after whoever it is you want."

       "Save your energy for when it matters, Dea." Deucalion said, his eyes never leaving the tree as he eyed a firefly that happened to be flying around.

       "It's a firefly." Scott said.

       "Unusual for this region." Deucalion also said.

       Scott turned to him and asked, "It's because of Jennifer, isn't it? Just before all this started, a deer crashed into Lydia's car. The cats went crazy at the animal clinic. Birds flew into the high school. That was all her."

       Dea stood off to the side, simply watching their interaction take place as they talked with the other. She shifted from one foot to the other as she eyed the both of them, wanting so much to say to the both of them alone, yet doubted she'd have the time to.

       But as she attempted to remain focused, her mind began to wander to something, or perhaps, someone.




       Shallow breaths escaped Cora's lips, occasionally gasping for air as sweat excreted from her in vast amounts, almost dripping off her pale skin. Derek sat beside her unmoving, his eyes filled with internal agony as they never strayed from her suffering form.

      Peter stood further away next to the window, his face remaining emotionless except for the gleam of worry that shone in his eye. Yet, he focused on blocking any emotion for as long as possible.

       Seeing his niece in agony did pain him, but perhaps not as much as it should. Six years being unaccounted for and also not having much of a... bond with her. He still cared but, no where near as much as Derek. Perhaps it was just the way he was. Especially since...

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