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       "You know, I'm starting not to like this idea." Isaac said, pacing in front of the giant wall of windows. "Sounds kinda dangerous. You know what? I definitely don't like this idea, and I definitely don't like him." He said, silently praying that there was a way to avoid this, but he knew there wasn't.

        "You'll be fine." Derek said, sighing as he looked up to the nervous werewolf briefly, before looking back down at the book in his lap.

        "Does it have to be him?" The Beta asked, at least hoping that someone... less psychotic could dig claws into the back of his neck.

        "He knows how to do it. I don't. Be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself." Derek said in a stern voice, trying to ease Isaac's nerves, but failed.

        Isaac stopped his pacing, and turned to look at Derek, whose eyes were still concentrated on the book in front of him. "You know Scott doesn't trust him, right? You know, personally, I'd... well, I'd trust Scott." He said, shrugging slightly.

        Derek looked up at Isaac, eyebrows raised, "Do you trust me?" He asked.

        Isaac hesitated before answering, "Yeah. But still, don't you know anyone else that could do it?" He asked.

        Derek hesitated before answering. He considered asking Dea to do it, but, there was something about her that made him on edge. She was keeping a lot of secrets. Too many. And he didn't like, but he couldn't exactly argue. She was helping them after all. "No." He said, a finality in his tone.

        Isaac shook his head slightly, "I still don't like him." He said.

        "Nobody likes him." Derek said, as the words left his lips, the large door slid open dramatically, revealing a smirking Peter.

        "Boys. F.Y.I., yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works." Peter said as he approached the two werewolves, and stopped in front of the wooden chair that sat in the middle of the room, "So I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face." He continued, the smirk never leaving his face.

        "We don't like you." Derek said, as he shut the book that lay in his hands loudly, before saying, "Now shut up and help us."

        Peter shrugged, "Fair enough." He said, before looking at the nervous werewolf that now sat on the wooden chair in front of him, "Relax. I'll get more out of you if you're calm." He said, almost rolling his eyes at the close-to-trembling werewolf.

        Isaac looked up at him, "How do you know how to do this, again?" He asked.

        Peter circled around him slowly, examining the back of Isaac's neck carefully, "It's an ancient ritual used mostly by alphas, since it's a skill that requires quite a bit of practice. One slip, and you could paralyze someone. Or kill them." He said, casually.

        The new found information only increased Isaac's nerves, "You... You've had a lot of practice, though, right?" He asked, a tad too hopeful.

        Peter smirked widened, enjoying terrifying and tormenting the blonde werewolf, "Well, I've never paralyzed anyone." He said.

        Isaac eyebrows met, a sign of wonder as he started to ask, "Wait, does that mean that you---" Before he could finish, Peter dug his claws into his neck, making Isaac gasp at the pain and struggle underneath his hold, which made Peter have to hold him firmly in place.

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