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Cora had rushed to her brother, immediately tending to his wound and fixing it up, while Dea finally acknowledged fully her pain, hitting her like furiously as the wind left her lungs at her agony.

She fell to the floor on her hands and needs, gasping and sweating. She looked up, hoping to grab either Derek's or Cora's attention for some help, but none paid attention. "Right, guess I'll have to do it myself." She muttered, bitterly.

She crawled-- or rather dragged herself to the kitchen, and pulled herself up, huffing as she did so, losing energy quickly. She reached for the cupboard and pulled out the first aid kit, before sliding down to the ground.

She pulled out a thick piece of white cloth, normally used to wrap up wounds and bit on it before cleaning up her wound and stitching it up, before bandaging it up with another spare piece of white cloth. As she finished tending to her wound, the room started to spin around her.

She groaned, grabbing at her head in pain as she felt herself slipping in and out of consciousness. "D-Derek?
C-C-Cora? I-I need s-some he--" she didn't have the energy to finish her sentence, and she finally gave in to the allure and peacefulness of darkness and sleep.

Just as unconsciousness was about to pull her in, she faintly heard someone rush towards her and pick her up, while a masculine voice muttered, "You're going to be okay, Dea."

Whoever it was, wasn't Derek.


When Dea finally woke up, the first thing she managed to register was the darkness of the night outside, through the windows and her lack of pain in her mid-section.

She bolted up right, before stopping at the aching where her wound was supposed to be. She looked down, eyes slightly wide when she saw that someone had taken off her bandages and that now, her wound had fully healed.

"Some of your organs haven't fully healed quite yet. You should stay here for a bit so we can keep an eye on you while you recover." Cora's voice sounded from beside her. She looked up to see that Cora had crouched beside her as she lay on the couch.

Dea raised an eyebrow, "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm an Alpha, kid. We heal a lot faster and I already feel all healed up, so I best be on my way." She said, but just as she were about to stand up, Cora pushed her back down.

"I'm not a kid. God, he said you'd be stubborn." Cora sighed annoyedly.

"Who, Dere---?"

She was cut off by Derek's and Isaac's loud conversation. "Ah... I don't get it. Look, did something happen?" Isaac asked and at the question, Dea scoffed.

Derek sighed, "It's just not going to work with both of you here. I've got Cora now with Dea staying round temporarily, it's too much. I need you out tonight."

Isaac scoffed, "Where am I supposed to go?" He asked, disbelief written all over his face.

Derek huffed, "Somewhere else." He said shortly.

The sound of thunder echoed in the distance, reminding Cora, Derek and Dea of the events that took place not that long ago. Isaac stood up straighter, taking a step towards Derek, "Did I do something wrong, Derek?" He asked.

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