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       Deucalion sighed at the amount of blood that was currently pouring out of Derek's wound and mouth, "Sorry about this, Derek. I asked Kali to be gentle, but..."

       Kali looked up at Deucalion, "This is me being gentle."

       Derek groaned, spitting out more blood before groaning out, "Let... let her go." Dea got slightly pissed that he didn't say her too, but Dea had been a big bitch to his pack, and Cora was his recently-discovered-alive younger sister, so, it was understandable.

       Deucalion nodded slightly towards Ennis, signalling to let Cora go, to which he obeyed. "See? We're not unreasonable." Dea scoffed internally. Cora went to approach Derek, but at the shake of Derek's head, she hesitantly stepped back to Ennis' side.

       Derek looked up at Deucalion, "What do you want? You want to kill me?" He groaned, blood still dripping from his mouth and sweat from his forehead as he became more and more pale,

       Deucalion looked insulted, and said, "You really think I'm that boring? Don't throw me in with sociopaths like your Uncle. I'm a man with far more vision than simple murder. In fact..." He said as he took off his glasses, revealing his blood red eyes. No pupil, just a swirling vortex of blood red. "I'm here to show you just how much vision a blind man can have."

       Dea spat out a the blood that had been building in her mouth and glared at one of the men she hated most in her life, "At least Peter didn't go round claiming that his damn insanity was justified by some fucking obsession--- oh, I mean 'extraordinary vision'. He at least knew he was a psychopath." She growled.

       Deucalion turned to look her way, his smirk growing wider, "Oh I haven't forgotten about you, Dea. Be patient and wait your turn. Maybe take down a few notes." He said, seemingly mocking her.

       Dea looked down at herself and then up at Deucalion, glaring harshly, "Sure, I'll get right to it." She said sarcastically.

       All attention was brought back to Derek as he groaned in pain again. Dea went to try pull herself forward, but the sharp wave of pain and agony made her shoot right back into place, hand gripping the pole tight. She would just have to try and pull it out slowly and subtly.

       Cora took a step forward, a look of worry and concern etched onto her face, "You're killing him!"

       Kali looked up at her, a small sadistic smile on her face, "Not yet, little sister. But I could." She said, applying a bit more pressure to the pole lodged into Derek, making him groan, before saying, "Who knows if it's five minutes or five hours before it's too late to take this thing out?" She said smugly, enjoying Cora's emotional pain before turning back to her Alpha, "But just to be on the safe side, Duke, you might want to get to the point."

       "Now you see the one problem with being in an Alpha pack. Everybody wants to make the decisions. Me? I'm more about discovering new talents... Like you." He said, smiling a little wider,

       "Not interested."

       "But you haven't even heard my pitch." Deucalion said, pretending to sound slightly surprised.

       Derek was now starting to sway a little. He needed help, immediately. His face was starting to pale more and more as the seconds passed. "You want me to... Kill my own pack."

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