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"Wait so, if that's how Derek changed, what about you? Were you always a psychotic dick?" Stiles asked Peter, eyebrows raised.

       "Ex-psychotic, I'm much better now." Peter said, internally rolling his eyes.

       "From when I was younger, psychopath? No. Dick? Always. But then, I don't know, something changed with you too, Peter. And I mean before the fire. What happened?" Cora asked, looking over at her uncle curiously, who clenched his jaw.

       Stiles leaned forward, analysing Peter as he asked, "Was it a girl too? Like, maybe Dea? You're love-hate relationship -if you can even call it that- isn't exactly kept hidden."

       Peter stood up, glaring at Stiles though his smirk remained as he said, "Story times over kids."

       Suddenly, a loud bang was heard near the front entrance of Derek's loft, grasping all of their attentions as in came Dea, covered with bite marks, claw marks and blood, yet carried a smirk on her face as well as a file in her hand. "Good answer, Peter."

       "What the hell happened to you?" Cora asked, standing up in surprise.

       Dea looked at her, "I went on a picnic," She said sarcastically before continuing, "What do you think happened? Met up with... an old friend, I guess you could say. Didn't end well, at least, for him it didn't. But I did get a couple of good things out of it though." She said, holding up the file happily.

       "What's that?" Stiles asked.

       "Motive, I guess you could call it." Dea said, and before anyone else could comment or question anything more, she rushed upstairs for a shower, and a moment alone to her thoughts.

       It wasn't long till Peter followed her up the stairs too and saw Dea disappear into his room. He stepped inside, to hear the shower already running with the shower door slightly ajar. Without hesitation, Peter sneaked into the shower room, seeing Dea's so-called motive beside the sink and curiously grabbed at it and headed out of the shower room, only to stop at the door way.

       He smirked, he just couldn't resist a peak. He glanced at the shower, and saw a gap between the glass shower door and his eyes roamed Dea's long, luscious hair, her slender legs and though scars scattered her skin, it still looked smooth to touch. He lingered his eyes on her form a little longer before retreating back into his room and deciding to take a look at the file.

       As soon as he opened the file, his eyes widened slightly as he started to take in every word, every picture and every detail that the file contained. And it all centred around one thing; the murder of Dea's family. Peter finally understood what she planned to do and before he could read on, the door to his bathroom opened and he turned to see Dea standing in the doorway, wrapped in a white towel that covered her from the chest to her upper thigh.

       Dea glanced at the filed that Peter now held in his hands, and let out an annoyed sigh. "I believe you have something that belongs to me." She said casually, walking up to him and reaching for the file, only for Peter to snatch it away from her grasp.

       "I don't think so." Peter said as he forced a smirk, only to drop it moments later, looking at Dea sternly as he carelessly chucked the file on to the bed. "You just can't stop getting into fights, can you?" He added.

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