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       The music shook the house, almost making it beat to the rhythm. Lights flashed of different colours, here and there, lighting up the dark room. Dea could barely hear her own voice, or see her own hand. Bottles of alcohol rested everywhere that had a surface, most empty.

       Everyone grinded against another or danced in some type of sexual way that made Dea cringe, most, if not all were highly intoxicated or stoned out of their minds. The general idea of an awesome party. Dea however, disagreed immensely. Her idea of fun differed from everyone else's, greatly in fact.

       This, if you didn't already guess, wasn't her type of scene, but she forced herself to come out of her shell and see what all the fuss was about. Plus, she needed the booze to forget about the stupidity of her father, an alpha. He had pissed off a powerful alpha and now, her family had to watch their backs. Stupid mistake.

       Dea sighed as she tried to shove her way past the crowd and grabbed herself another drink to help her get through the night, but she may have drunk way too much to begin with. Werewolf alcohol tends to be quite strong. As she slowly drunk her way to blissful, blind intoxication, she was unaware of a pair of eyes looking at her greedily.

       Camden and Peter, after dancing with more girls that wore mere cloths to cover themselves, decided to back off and have a drink before they caught something.

       "What are you looking for tonight?" Camden asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

       Peter smirked, "An easy lay. With someone that hasn't got something I can catch." He said, scanning the crowds.

       Camden let out a laugh, and patted his shoulder, "Then I know just the girl." He said, before pointing at Dea. "Dea is the girl for you. She's looking hot tonight, hasn't been with anyone and drunk out of her mind."

       Peter smirked wider, "Guess it's going to be a good night for me." He said, making Camden laugh as Peter started to make his way towards Dea.

       They talked for a long time, and soon, against Dea's better judgment, decided to be spontaneous and decided with her drunken mind, to take him upstairs.

       The beginning of all that was to come.


       Dea's eyes blinked open, only to be greeted with a light that blinded her more than it should've had and a pounding headache that made her groan. Once she managed to open her eyes, she registered that she was in a room that was not her own, and her clothes that were thrown across it.

       Finally, she registered her nude body, was sitting next to someone else's who must have been to lazy to get up and go to avoid the awkward introduction that Dea desperately wanted to avoid.

       When Peter woke up, he noticed the frantic and quite frankly, angry looking female that tip-toed around the room quickly, on a hunt to find her clothes. In simple words, he was shocked.

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