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Tears of bitter anger streamed down Dea's cheeks as she stormed into her apartment, leaving the door open carelessly as she hurriedly packed her bags, throwing whatever was necessary into a single duffle bag. She tried not to think about it, she tried not to make it hurt so damn much, but she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't. It's Peter, what else did I expect from him? She thought to herself.

She angrily wiped away at the tears that stained her cheeks, grunting in bitter hate and fury. She rushed around her apartment mindlessly, hoping that if she kept her hands busy, she wouldn't have to think about Peter.

       However, it was futile.

       In the midst of her blinded anger and fury, she hadn't noticed the object of her focused anger sneak into her apartment, confusion etched onto his face. Soon, he stood at the doorway of her bedroom watching with sudden realization of what Dea was currently doing.

       A the sound of a masculine, intentional cough and a familiar scent flooding her nose, Dea whipped around with red eyes glowing viciously and her baring her teeth at him, a deep growl escaping her throat. Yet, he remained unfazed, a bitter look on his face as he stood there, looking at her, "Planning a lengthy road trip?" He sarcastically asked.

       Dea growled even louder, her eyes still glowing red, "Fuck off, Peter." She snarled at him, before going back to packing her things into her spacious duffel bag.

       He took a step closer to her, careful and calculating, "That's not a pleasant way to say goodbye now, is it? That is, if you were planning to say goodbye at all." He growled in return, anger burning up in his eyes, getting wilder and wilder.

       Dea zipped up her duffel bag, done with packing before getting a hidden container of gasoline in her wardrobe (saved for emergencies) and started drenching the room with the flammable liquid, hoping to rid any evidence of her existence in the room with it.

       Once she was done drenching the room, she through the container through the window in anger with unimaginable force, shattering it as she turned back to face Peter, anger matching his own as she walked towards him, eyes burning brighter and brighter, "You know what else wasn't pleasant? Figuring out that this whole fucking time you were just using me so that you could become an Alpha." She yelled, hitting him in the chest.

       A confused expression found its way onto Peter's face, but Dea was firm in the belief that she wouldn't be fooled by his excuses. "What are you tal---" Peter began, only to be cut off by Dea.

       "STOP LYING!" She growled, "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Peter. Just for once, will you please: Stop. Fucking. Lying." She continued, getting angrier and angrier at the confused expression on Peter's face to which she believed was simply just an act to save his own arse.

       Peter's eyes started to glow, a contrast to Dea's bloody red to his stormy blue. "I'm not lying, Dea. I have no clue what you're talking about! Don't confuse me for the imbeciles that played you that were working for Deucalion." He snarled back, stepping forward so they were now standing chest to chest.

       However, Dea didn't trust herself to stay focused while that close to the irritating Hale in front of her, so she took a few steps back, running a hand through her hair and growled out, "How could I have been so fucking stupid. How could I have ever believed all of the bullshit that spewed from your mouth since I got here." She tugged at her hair angrily.

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