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       "Well, that was interesting." Isaac muttered, his eyes flickering between Dea and Peter. Peter who now had claw marks on his face and a nifty bruise on his face but still had his signature smirk, while Dea lowly growled at him.

"How do you two know each other?" Derek asked, keeping a cautious but curious eye between the two of them as he stood by Isaac, arms crossed with a stern face.

       "Who doesn't know Peter? He has a long list of people who would like nothing more than to see his ass served on a silver platter." Dea growled, her eyes flashing red. But, she had to stay professional and keep personal... issues out of her business.

       "I do have a lovely one, don't I sweetheart?" Peter teased, sending a wink her way.

       "I wouldn't bet on it." Dea replied, sending a wink his way with a sarcastic smile afterwards.

       "And of course, Peter had to have pissed off the woman who's supposed to be helping us." Derek sighed, becoming increasingly annoyed by him.

       "Well, I do get around." Peter said, a cocky smirk plastered on his face, like always.

       Dea let out a mischievous smirk and said, "God knows where you've been. It's lucky that you're a werewolf then, eh?" His smirk faltered slightly, his ego wounded, but still remained. Before he could reply, Dea's expression turned from mischievous to serious in a split second and said, "Now that... introductions are out of the way, let's get to business."

Bellator stepped forward, making all the attention set on him, "We found that you have gathered recent information, care to spill?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"Who's this, new boy toy right hand?" Peter asked, eyeing him with an unreadable expression on his face.

"If you call a one-hundred and eighty pound Alpha that can easily rip you to shreds a boy toy, then yes, he's my new boy toy right hand."


"We need a plan." Scott said to the pack, being Captain Obvious. They had just induced Isaac in a hypnotic type state while he was being shoved into a tub of freezing cold water in Deatons vet shop, after giving Dea the new information, which then ended quite strangely.

"Thanks for the info, we'll be leaving now. If we find any leads, we'll call you." Dea slightly lied, turning to leave with Leandros and Bellator when Derek stopped them.

"Wait, that's it? Don't you have anything else to say, like any ideas on what he's up to? You can't just leave when we give you information." Derek said, frustrated and quite simply, angry.

Dea let out a small laugh and turned around, "Oh, but I can." She said before slowly approaching him till they were chest to chest. "You called for my help. That doesn't mean that were going to start braiding each other hair and start spilling all our secrets like two teenage girls, okay? You called for my help, now let me do my job in the way that I do it, understand?" She said, her voice stern as she flashed her red eyes.

Derek, not like the way he was being talked to, flashed his red eyes back. Making Dea laugh, "Don't think for a second you can overtake me Derek. It won't end nicely for you." She said, all emotion that was represented on her face, now replaced with a stern one.

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