Chapter 7

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Sophie frwoned at the name. Sounds weird ...........but yet so familiar. Not knowing what to say, she whispered to Rosalyn.

"Can you get out of here?"

"If I can, I wouldn't be here."

Sophie sighed. If Fitz failed, she might be stuck in here for months.

Another roar got her attention.

"That's probably nothing." Rosalyn told her.


Only to see white smoke flowing in the room and she went unconscious.


After finishing taking Keefe's things, Fitz hid behind a tree, waiting for Keefe to wake up and lead him to whereever the 'East Tower' is.

Fitz heard a groan, he held his breath, don't find me. Soft footsteps. He's going the other way. Fitz peeked through the leaves, tiptoeing behind his ex-bestfriend.

The tower was small, not like one that Fitz would notice, it was made of cold stones, with a window on each floor. He watched Keefe walked in. I'm only looking through the windows. Fitz told himself. He quickly levitated, checking inside the windows one by one. Soon, he was at the top of the tower, he peek into the last window.


He punched the thin glass and it shattered on the ground.

He got in the tower easily. 

"Sophie." he called as he started to untie her hands. He called again. He noticed the girl in another cage, also tied and unconscious. 

"Untie me." the girl pleaded him half-conscious-ly. Fitz pulled out the list of prisoners kepf in here.

"Is this you?"He whispered to the girl, pointing to the name Rosalyn Mel.

She weakly nodded. "What does the 4 and 5 mean?" Fitz asked her. "5? I don't know there's one. But the numbers mean which Project Moonlark are you. I'm the fourth."

"So there is a first, second, and third?"

"Died twenty years ago. Untie me." Fitz untied her and went back to Sophie, setting his spear aside.

"Sophie. Can you hear me?" he whispered in her ear, she's still breathing. He sighed in relief.

"Ah, Fitzy."the voice boiled his anger.

That traitor.


偉大的神明 創造這副人偶容器

The great god created this puppet vessel

擁有感情之身 於永恆不過失敗品

Having an emotional body is nothing more than a failure in eternity

放逐之後終將迎來 戲謔的​​人生遊戲 就算一路荊棘

After the exile, there will eventually be a playful game of life, even if there are thorns along the way

封印與甦醒 再一次漫無目的

Sealing and awakening aimlessly again

存在踏韝砂 被鑄鐵佔據的 故人往昔

Existence is stepped on the sand, occupied by cast iron, old friends in the past

命運如果能就此 施捨恩賜 的暫停

If fate could just suspend the gift of alms,

在永恆的國界 隱藏著怎樣的威脅在神民威嚴之下 怯弱卑賤

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