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The burly bodies of the bodyguards were lined up and then brought to bow when the master's footsteps were heard. The men in black didn't dare to look or even just peek through their hair.

Taehyung, the sapphire-eyed man, walked arrogantly towards the room in the basement, his eyes sharpened every now and then watching the movements of his subordinates working, he didn't want the previous thing to happen again.

His veiny hands pressed the code, until the iron door opened wide with two adult men inside.

"Why did you call me? Is there a problem with our business?" he asked, walking slowly with his hands in his pockets.

"Hm, our drug delivery has been thwarted again by Golden"

Taehyung's eyebrows raised one, feeling confused and annoyed because for the second time he failed to send a drug order to Japan.

"Damn it! How could this happen? Is there another traitor besides that bastard here?"

"I've checked our men, and everything is clean," said the man surnamed Jung who was now busy typing something on his favorite computer.

He's a hacker, and of course can also  fight. He is a long-range attacker, with sharp eyesight like a stalking eagle, ready to target anyone to become his prey.

"How much did we lose this time, hoseok?"

"Less than yesterday, around 1 billion won," answered the Jung man without looking.

Taehyung nodded, sitting in his oversized chair with his arms crossed in front of his chest watching the hacker fiddling with the code there.

"What do you think, Namjoon?"

Namjoon, the man with the dimple, just snorted because his younger brother called his name. In all his life, Taehyung had never once called him 'hyung'.

'How rude!' he thought

"I don't need your grumbling, I just need your opinion, Kim Namjoon," said Taehyung, looking coldly at his older brother.

"Tsk! Let's just change the delivery place, what's so difficult? This area is too easy to guess because it is busy. And that makes it easier for enemies to know our way of thinking."

"But, I also think it's a bad idea. Because I'm sure they will find out about our plans quickly. Isn't that right, Vante?" Hoseok asked

Taehyung was silent, his sharp eyes focused on the big screen in front of him.

"We'll follow their game. Find out which routes they use, then report it to me. I want to see how Golden reacts when Victoria thwarts their business."

Hoseok nodded, returning to his job as a hacker. Meanwhile the brothers just watched silently, occasionally Namjoon glanced at Taehyung who was focused ahead.


Taehyung glanced disinterestedly, then back at the screen in front of him.

"Troublesome!" he said

Namjoon raised an eyebrow in interest, but then shrugged indifferently because he didn't want to interfere in the tan man's business.

The dimpel man walked towards the cupboard, then brought a small suitcase and gave it to Taehyung

"From Jinseok, and don't use it too often because it will have fatal consequences."

Taehyung didn't respond, just remained silent with his gaze focused on some yellow liquid in the small suitcase.

The tan man closed the lid of his suitcase again, looking at his older brother evenly as usual.

"I go first"

Without waiting for an answer, Taehyung left there, leaving Namjoon and Hoseok who were still focused on struggling with their computer codes.

The master walked slowly past the bodyguards to return to the mansion, his long legs stepped into the kitchen which was immediately greeted by the maids' respectful bows.

"Make new food, and bring it to the room."

"Yes, master," nodded the butler, bowing with his hands tucked under his stomach.

Taehyung just stared flatly without thanking him and left there.

The first thing he saw when he opened the bedroom door was a cute teenager sitting with his back to him, staring at the window. He walked indifferently, put the small suitcase on the nightstand then walked over.

His sapphire eyes rolled to look at the tray which was still intact and untouched, he then glanced at his doll which was just staring blankly ahead

"You...still don't want to listen to your master's orders?"

"I-I'm not hungry," Yoongi answered slowly, very slowly. If Taehyung hadn't sharpened his hearing, maybe that soft voice wouldn't have been heard.

"Not hungry? interesting. Even though I've spent a lot of money just to give you good food, doll"

Yoongi lowered his head deeply, when the man again called himself 'doll' flatly and with emphasis, indicating that this man was the master here. For some reason, that call made him afraid, and made his feel small because of the man's dominance.

"I-I'm not hungry ahjussi"

"Tch! You're not hungry or you didn't eat on purpose so you'd die," he said sarcastically, snorting arrogantly in front of him

Yoongi lowered his head even more, afraid...he was really afraid. The man in front of him was very dangerous, even more frightening than his father.

"Don't make me angry and punish you again, doll," he said, slowly squatting down and lifting his sweet narrow chin until it looked up and met his sapphire eyes.

"In a moment, there will be a maid who will deliver food. Finish all the food, I don't want any left. If... you still don't want to eat, then I will force you to eat my way. Do you understand, doll?"

Yoongi nodded with teary eyes, because he didn't want to be punished in that way again, he didn't want to! while Taehyung just smiled smirkly then patted the cute one thin cheek.

"Good boy," he praised, then got up again and stood tall. His sharp eyes moved to examine the cute one appearance from above and below

"Clean yourself, you are so dirty and disgusting. I don't want my doll to get dirty, you have to always be clean and smell good. So, clean yourself thoroughly...understand?"
Yoongi just nodded again in resignation, obeying the monster man's every order without any resistance.

"Always answer my commands with words, doll"


"Yes, what?" Taehyung asked, lilting annoyingly in Yoongi's ear

"I-I'll clean myself, a-according to your orders, ahjussi"

Taehyung nodded, even though inside he was really annoyed when the sweet teenager called him 'Ahjussi'.

Is he that old?

"I'm leaving and will come home tomorrow, don't try to run away... because it's useless if you succeed, you won't be able to run anywhere doll. Wherever and wherever you hide, I will still be able to find you."

After saying that, Taehyung stepped outside, leaving the sweet one hugging his knees tighter.

"Is this my chance?"

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