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Namjoon breathed a sigh of relief when he managed to get down to the bottom of the ravine, he immediately ran over to Taehyung who was still silent next to a large rock.

The tan man's gaze was so blank that it focused on his index finger.

"Tae, are you okay?”



Taehyung turned to his older brother, then pointed at the sweet one's blood which was on a large stone.

"Yoongi fell here," Taehyung whispered

"N-no way tae”

“I know the taste of blood, namjoon. This is indeed my doll's blood," said the tan man, touching the blood on the large stone again

"Even if Yoongi fell like you said, then he would most likely be here unconscious."

Taehyung didn't respond, he just focused on the blood on the big stone with his mind racing.

Various bad thoughts began to enter his brain which made him unable to think clearly, he also felt afraid for the first time.

"Do you think someone took my doll?" Taehyung asked without turning around

Namjoon didn't immediately answer, he reached into his jacket pocket to take out the injection he found earlier.

"Possibly yes, because I also found this above the ravine... and it looks like it was recently used"

Taehyung turned his head, frowning in confusion when he saw his older brother handing him an injection.

"What is this? And why are you just telling me about your discovery?"

"Tsk! I wanted to tell you, but you just ran away" annoyed Namjoon 

"Are you sure this has something to do with it?"

The man with the dimple nodded, gave the injection to his younger brother carefully.

"Can Seokjin research this liquid?" Taehyung asked

"Of course he can,"

Taehyung nodded, giving the injection back to his brother. "Go to the hospital, I'll look for Yoongi"

"Where are you going to look? A-and alone?" asked Namjoon confused

"Don't ask too many questions! you go"

Namjoon snorted, irritably turned around and climbed back up the cliff using only the large protruding roots

Taehyung took a deep breath and started walking along the bottom of the cliff to look for his sweetheart. He didn't take the steps carelessly, because now he was following the blood droplets on the dry leaves.

"What happened to you, love?" he whispered, feeling even more anxious because it turned out that the drops of blood were no longer visible when he stopped on an old, disused highway.

He turned his head to the right and left, trying to look for more drops of sweet one blood...but there were none, only dry leaves with the footprints of several shoes on the asphalt.

Feelings of anxiety filled his mind even more, his doll was actually being carried by someone.

The tan man tried to walk down the street, and was surprised to find that the road was connected to the main road he had passed.

"Damn it!"

He immediately stopped a taxi, then told the driver to go to his headquarters. He had to confirm something.

MAFIA LOVE ENG. Vers ( TAEGI )Where stories live. Discover now