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In the next three days, Iroh didn't get any work done.

He tried, he really, really tried to focus... but his mind would always wander.

He'd try to read a document, only to find himself staring at the clock on the wall, or staring blankly out the window.

He felt like a teenager again.

As Iroh stood on the deck, the city coming into view, he felt his heart rate speed up.

It was both terrifying and exciting at the same time.

It had only been a month since he'd been here last, but looking out at the city's skyline made it feel like it'd been a lifetime.

He had to make a choice, would he look for Aria himself? Or would he just let it go?

Then again, they've had no problems running into one another before, so that was always a possibility.

Iroh was still trying to sort through why the hell he was feeling this way about this girl...

He barely even knew her, and yet, here he was: frustrated and desperate to see her again.

It didn't make any sense. He just couldn't understand it.

In the time he had known her, she was irritating, stubborn, and sarcastic, among other things.

But Aria was also honest, and down to earth, and funny in a way that he didn't always understand or enjoy, but funny non the less.

And he was a man with eyes, she was obviously beautiful. No matter how trashy she dresses, no matter how much smudged eye makeup she wore.

And he still remembered what she looked like with no makeup, or messy clothes...

Damn her.
Damn how beautiful she was.

He looked to his side and saw how the sunset was grazing the horizon. He thought about her when he saw any sunset now.

Iroh couldn't help but let a scoff of annoyance slip out of his mouth as the sun continued to set in the sky.

"Stupid" he grumbled to himself, his mind trying to shift away from her.

Was it maybe....?


No it couldn't be.

Iroh was snapped out of his thoughts when the word suddenly floated across his mind.


As quickly as it popped into his mind, he tried to force it away.

That was ridiculous.

There was no way in hell he was in love with this girl. He barely knew her. It was too soon. This was just... something else.

The last time he'd felt this way about a woman was a very long time ago, and that relationship had ended badly...

The ship finally docked in the harbor, and Iroh let out a sigh through his nose.

This was a damn mess...

He was in Republic City for three days. He told himself not to look for her, to just let chance bring them together, if it was meant to be.

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