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Iroh lay in his hotel bed, staring up at the ceiling, his thoughts consumed by the conversation he had with the girl days before. She was so out of line. Accusing him of being out of touch and arrogant. It wasn't his fault he was born into a better environment.

He had never been called out like that before, and it made him angry, and confused. He couldn't help but wonder if she was right, if he was truly arrogant and ignorant.

He was near driving himself insane. Why was he listening to her?! Why was he even giving this mystery hoodlum any kind of thought. She was beyond irritating, stubborn, and annoying, above all else. She didn't know what she was talking about...

She was unlike anyone he had ever met, ever. And it plagued him. It plagued him so much that he couldn't bare it anymore. He got out of bed, put on clothes, and left his hotel rapidly to find a bar.

Iroh walked through the city streets like a man on a mission, his mind focused on finding a bar that would allow him to drown his thoughts in alcohol. He had never been a heavy drinker, but he needed something, ANYTHING to take his mind off of her.

He eventually stumbled upon a grungy dive bar and pushed open the door, ready to lose himself in the cheap alcohol and loud music.

He took a seat at the bar, ordering the strongest drink they had on the menu. He downed it in one gulp and ordered another, determined to get drunk as quickly as possible.

As the alcohol started to take effect, his thoughts became jumbled and chaotic. He couldn't help but think about her, her words, her demeanor, her fiery attitude. He cursed her. This was supposed to be his month off.

He soon drank so much that he stumbled out of the bar about two hours later, falling to sit on the ground and contemplate his thoughts. Taking a hard slump against the cold ground near the entrance.

As he sat there, he felt his thoughts swirling in his head, a jumble of images and memories that were all connected to her. He couldn't get her out of his head no matter how hard he tried, and he hated it.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." A familier, female voice rang next to him.

Iroh looked up, startled by the sudden sound of a familiar voice. He blinked a few times as the figure next to him came into focus, revealing itself to be none other than her.
He blinked again, sure that he was hallucinating due to the alcohol he had consumed. But no, she was still there, glaring down at him with a mix of annoyance and concern.

She crossed her arms, unintentionally making her chest more profound in the low cut, tight black shirt she was wearing. She accompanied that by wearing a incredibly short red skirt, which was low waisted, showing her tones stomach. Her hair was messy and down and she was wearing the same black and dramatic eye makeup as before. She wore black boots that went up to her mid calve, which had some height on them.

Iroh stared up at her, his mind going totally blank as he took in her appearance. The alcohol may have affected his judgment slightly, but even he could see how stunning she was. The way her shirt hugged her curves, the way her skirt clung to her hips, and the way her hair was mussed up in a careless way. It took all of his willpower not to stare in admiration.

A flush of embarrassment spread across his cheeks as he realized that she had caught him in such a pathetic state.

"Are you...no, the uptight Iroh finally decided to let loose. I did get through to you! Hope is not all lost!" She slightly celebrated.

Iroh tried to ignore the effect her words had on him, the way his heart thumped in his chest. He knew he was tipsy, but he couldn't deny the way his body reacted to her teasing tone.

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