Chap 7

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(Updates may be less frequent due to stuff I've started to busy myself, but don't worry, I'm pretty sure I'll finish this lol)
*Still Y/n POV*

Turns out it's not coming from the portal room; it's coming from upstairs (did I mention I had an upstairs? Well now I have! It's just a few empty guest rooms that were never filled because I only have one friend). I walk up the stairs (Bff/n close behind) and open a door. Empty, but the shouting is louder.
Next door. Nope. After that? Well, let's just say there's HorrorTale Alphys and Undyne along with UnderFell Papyrus and Sans about to start a fight in my house. I take my knife and throw it between the pairs of people. They stare at me as I smile. "I don't appreciate fighting in my house."

Edge (UnderFell Papyrus, if you didn't know) lunged at me, but Red (UF Sans) held him back. It seems he knows who's the new boss. Such fun! Alphys and Undyne (which aren't mentioned enough by the fandom to have alternate names) stare at me, before the Queen summons a spear, and I warn her happily, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
"Shut it, Paint Freak!" She hisses, and I start to question if I should've taken a shower before I went searching for the missi- oh. These are the AUs Ink was looking for. I'll have to tell him later, I guess. And my job is going to be a LOT harder than I initially thought it would be.

I guess I had gotten too engrossed in that thought, because when I had finally gotten back on topic, all I could see was Bff/n threatening Undyne with a knife to Alphys' neck.
"Hey!" I shout to get everyone's attention. I display a smile that makes everyone quake in their boots. Man, where's anger when I need it? I look like a dope.

"There. will. be. no. fighting. in. this. house. Got it??" I strain. I drop the face and take hold of Bff/n's wrist, before starting down the stairs, ordering the others to follow me. Edge goes for my head when I'm not looking, but I know what'll end up happening. Bff/n blocks whatever attack he used with the knife they had grabbed.
"Ya'know, maybe I was wrong with what I said before." I say to them, "I'm still not saying EVERY SITUATION, but it does help a lot to have a knife. Especially for those who are trained in using them. Emagine if they tried to jump me with a bow? They would be dead before noon." Bff/n clecked the clock on their wrist. "It's 11:59?" I smirk. "Exactly."

"Y-you kn-now it-s n-not exact-tly poli-ite to t-t-talk ab-bout o-ther p-people..." Alphys mumurs, feeling the small cut Bff/n had left on her from the knife.
"It's also not polite to randomly show up in two people's how uninvited and choose that maybe to fight would be best option." Bff/n shoots back.

"Hey Bff/n?" I ask when we get to the bottom, "I think I'm going to work in the basement for an hour. Do you know where my phone is?" "Pocket, probably. Or on your dresser, amnesiac." They reply.
I politely flip them off before parting from the group after stuffing my hands in my pockets. "Keep them out of the kitchen." I warn, "I don't want my house burned down by the time I get back."

I went to my room and looked for it. It was not there. Then, a smoke alarm went off. When I walked back, there was a fire in the kitchen, and my phone was the thing burning. Thank toby fox that wasn't my ipad... all my animations :(  Anyways, Alphys and Undyne were scouring the pantry, taking and eating whatever they could find. Edge was standing my phone, showing Fell 'how it's done'.
"You're REALLY  testing my patience at a time like this?? I. DON'T. HAVE. A. SOUL. TRAIT. Nor any restraint, usually." I took the brush I had just now noticed was behind my ear, showing it the sharp, wooden end that I had carved myself. Fell seem to already know that fighting me and Bff/n isn't worth it, but I think I have to teach Edge a lesson. Undyne and Alphys get off the hook because they live in a starving AU, but I WILL get onto them later for that stupid plan. I hope to reverse it before they put it into action.

I pounced onto Edge, which set both Fell and himself to try and attack me. Edge fell to the floor, and I sat on him (lightly, clearly only putting enough pressure to keep him down). Fell was hesitating to attack.
"In battle, that would be a clear mistake." I say to him, "But here, in reality, that is exactly what you should do. Question, and better yourself. Do I really want to attack someone with an extremely sharp paintbrush? No. Well, there you go. I won't attack the dangerous human ontop of my brother. There's a chance he could be harmed out of this."

I then proceeded to slowly get of Edge, ignoring the white bones in my way, pushing through them, no matter if it hurt or not. I held up my hand to him, but he obviously slapped it away. "Make a fool out of me again, huma-" He tries saying, but I shoot him my smile, and he quiets himself.
Then, I turn to face the HorrorTale couple raiding my fridge. I shout at them to stop before they get to the freezer (and my ice cubes, because I would literally kill them--). They spin on their heels, frozen. "Sit. I'll get you the food you need at another date. I think you've eaten enough today. I know you were starving, which is why I decided to deal with Edge first."

They stumble to the kitchen table and sit, and I look at Bff/n. "Watch them. I'll come out when I notice it's getting late."
Bff/n grumbles as I leave, "Leaving me with rabid AUs... Stupid Ink." I roll my eyes, "Don't think I didn't hear that."

"Wait, wait, wait. That's INK??" Fell questions Bff/n, causing me to stop and answer cheerfully, "Of this multiverse, yes. The one of yours has been searching for your papers. Once I find a way to get you back in them, I can send you back to your Ink, so I never have to deal with you again." I don't stop for a reply after that. I go down to my art room and start on my next project, abandoning all important thoughts for a few hours. I stare at cardboard for a minute or two, before getting an idea.
I grab the hot glue on the ledge connected to the basement window, plugging it in the outlet right under. I look throw a drawer near the door and fish for a pencil and some scissors. I sketch out my design and cut. I place to pieces of the cardboard together and hot glue, before sending out rough edges etc. I make eye and holes, and sand those down too, before putting on a fresh coat of white paint. Then a second one of white. Third. I add the Ink splatter and a few other details, before I find the string. I staple it onto the mask I had just made and put it on. the project wasn't very time consuming, so I was out with a new mask before Bff/n got too tired of caring for adult-babies.

I walked out feeling myself. Queen Undyne nearly screamed when she saw me (because I had painted my most hated smile as the face), and I laughed before flipping the mask off. I put it back on my face and gesture Bff/n to go to bed, because it was past noon and I could see the bags under their eyes.
They try to disobey, but I stare until they eventually shrug and leave. I then show the AU inhabitants their rooms upstairs, before sitting at the door after prying my knife out of the wall. I couldn't leave my station because I thought they would try and attack Bff/n in the middle of the night if I wasn't there to stop them.

The night was quiet, but I was sure to stay awake throughout it.

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