Chap 24

22 1 0

(Do you guys think I should go back and edit this thing once I'm done?)
*No POV*

Y/n goes back to archery, but tries out some new, unused arrows. When that gets boring, they try out a different bow in order to shake things up. They even pocket a broken arrow for later use while packing up, writing on their hand in marker to purchase more from Amazon later (or beg Bff/n to go out to that one store to buy the ones they like). When they're done, they go to the room to try and grab their flute again, but they remember they had a piccolo.
Y/n spends and extensive amount of time looking up some interesting music for the flute on their phone before playing. On the piccolo, 'Your best friend' sounds quite accurate (not like it hadn't already). It was a nice change, but Y/n forced themself to put it away because it might wake up Ink, and they weren't quite sure if they wanted to bother him just yet.

They went down into the art room, grabbing some unused pastels before slathering random stuff on. Blue, Ink, Y/n and Classic were all on one couch texting, Classic's Papyrus nearby (they were at Classic's house) rolling his eyelights. Blue was showing Y/n something on his phone, and the picture was a screenshot from a different chat called 'the talls'.
Y/n stared at the pasteled artwork for a while, before opening their phone and finding the chat. They were in the chat- and so was Blue. But Blue is also tall??? Would it be possible if Blue was in a third chat- 'The average ones' or something like that? Y/n cracked a smile. What a joke.

Y/n texted the chat for pure entertainment purposes, but only Blue seemed to be online.

You: Yo, any1 on?

MagnificentBlue: I am, but I doubt Classic due to his horrible sleeping habits.

You: Ink is asleep at my house, so I can rule him out too. I just finished another artwork. Just reminded me of you guys.

MagnificentBlue: How so?

You: Are u in anotehr chat revrolding around heiheght by hance?

MagnificentBlue: Didn't catch that. Can you go slower?

You: Are you in another chat revolving around height by chance?

MagnificentBlue: Private messages.

Blue messages you personally.

MagnificentBlue: Yes, but you can't tell the others >:)

You: Is it for some 'eveil friendcship paln' you habe in palce?

MagnificentBlue: Yup! How'd you know??

Wow. Guess CrayonQueen was right about Blue's personality in that Christmas party AU...

You: lol no idea

MagnificentBlue: I'm in a chat called 'The talls'. I'm currently an inside man :)))

You: K. Who esse is there?

MagnificentBlue: Nightmare, Fresh, Error. Skeles like that :D

You: I wish I was tall! That souns lik so much funnn 😭😭

MagnificentBlue: I can add you(?)!

You: But im short?

MagnificentBlue: I bet they'll make an exception.

You: 👍 pls try. i wanna at least PRETEND imm tall.

MagnificentBlue: Lol got it. It may take a while, so I'll be leaving for now.

You: ✌

Well, that was fun. Now you can be considered tall >:)
Maybe you could be an inside man too!
OOooOO! Or one of those double-side peoples!!
Where they spy on the team they are with to spy on someone else. What's that called, anyways?

An ant slowly creeps up your arm, and you've run out of emotion juice. You slap it as it bites you, semi-annoyed. Suddenly, there's a trail on the floor. They're in your art supplies.
They're on your canvases- on the one you had just painted on. What is happening? Where did all these insects come from in such a short amount of time??

You swatted a couple away and retreated to the nearest closet and grabbed some Raid (bug killer). You filled the entire room with the entire room with those toxins and closed the door. 
Something to deal with for later.
 Was the conclusion. They'll all be dead by the time I come back, and then all I'll have to do is clean and re-organize.

A shower, just because every time you inhaled, you coughed violently, nearly puking once more. When you finished, you realized that you had to get something into your system, but the mere thought of eating was enough to make you lose your appetite. Ink is awake now. He makes you a new outfit (one he knew he'd like- and because he's you, therefore you'd like it too) as you ask about the bug infestation.
He is confused. "Bugs don't usually go after art. It's not food- I think they're smart enough to know that." You nod along, sagging a bit. You remembered when you used to be TERRIFIED of bugs, but after the incident, you stopped caring about fear, and anything you had hated in the past suddenly became tolerable. You also remembered how much you nagged about people cursing in your classes, having deemed it inappropriate. Oh, how times have changed. You don't care anymore. Couldn't care less...

With the emotionless factor, nothing seemed to matter. With the addiction to the colors on Ink's sash, it made it difficult to live life as it used to. Bff/n has already gotten used to the switches. You wished you had fuel such as he- that Ink didn't have to supply you every time you ran out, or that you even had to take the equivalent to drugs to be happy.
Why couldn't you just be a NORMAL human? Maybe it was because every universe-multiverse-omniverse is just destined to be this way. There has to be AT LEAST one thing linked. That was you. That IS you. YOU are the link, but not the weakest one in the chain, fortunately.

In the corner of your eye (you're in the hallway, outside your door. Ink has now left), you spot an old pair of slippers lined up on the wall. They are pink, and covered in black stains (from Ink). You clearly remember that you were on a call with Bff/n, and you were drawing on a clipboard in the middle of your room. You spilt ink on the floor and your slippers. There are still stains on both.
Bff/n had called you Ink far before they learned of AUs- or Undertale, really. You were out of the fandom a while after needing to drop it in order to keep your grades up., but when they got into it, you slowly remembered- even learning how it grew. You loved it so much. You still love it. Maybe you would've loved it more if you weren't dragged into chaos such as this.

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