Chap 17

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*Still Bff/n POV*

"Why are you awake?" I ask, and Y/n shrugged, "I guess I was put to bed early." "The heck does that mean??" I question, because 'being put to bed early' reminded me of a child with a bedtime, their face unrecognizable as they tried to convince their parents to let them stay up later. 
I changed my focus back to Y/n as they explained how the Bad Sanses came over while they were chilling on the couch and made a whole entire meal for them and the group. "There's probably still leftovers on the table." They said, before promptly walking off to grab some, probably for me. 

"Why'd they do that?" I ask as the re-enter the restroom. Y/n shrugs, and even though I can tell that's a lie without words, I ignore it, giving them the benefit of the doubt. We chat more as I sip on the microwaved (the soup had gone cold, so Y/n has said they re-heated it there) soup, my stomach settling down.
"Half my bile has contained glitter in it." I speak in a deadpan tone, causing them to make an 'oo that sucks' face. Y/n continued to bring random form of entertainment into the bathroom for the next hour, including markers for drawing on each other and board games, like Sorry! (The exclamation point is part of the name lol- it throws me off [to write/read] too) and Monopoly (which Inky always won the first one, and me the second. We ended up playing Monopoly more- how nice of them).

We eventually ended up scrolling through my phone's social media (because we had the same for yous, considering we both liked Undertale and are active in the fandom). Well, that was until Ink walked in and said jokingly, "Ayo??"
Y/n popped up to their feet and pointed before screaming back, "AYO?!?!?!?!" before barfing out ink. Well, then Ink barfed out ink. The silence was both comical and 'I have to clean this up, don't I?'. "What was that?" I ask, exasperated. "Maybe I'm an empathetic puker?" Y/n tried, but Ink shook his head, and spoke, "Nope, you're me 👍👍"

I sighed, "Get out."
Ink did (thankfully- I woulda killed him if he stayed here a second longer. Now I get why Error get annoyed easily by him all the time).

Y/n cleaned up the mess and got me some meds. After that and a cracker, I was up and walking around, completely fine. Error came over at one point to check on me, and I told him that the tacos were worse than eating a tripod. He fell over (probably from holding in whatever laughs he had), before leaving from embarrassment.
I went to my room and shuffled to one of my many shelves of yarn, taking a nice multi-colored purple, green and blue one, before grabbing a hook that corresponded with its size and settled down on a blue beanbag in the corner. The lights were off, and natural light was shining in from the windows, which made the setting all the more relaxing. Next to me was my phone and headphones, so I put those on and listened to music as I worked.

There was a knock on the door, so I spoke, "Come in." It was Y/n, with a pair of knitting needles. I smiled softly and nodded as they eyed my bookshelf of yarn. They had given me all of theirs because I do more yarn stuff than they do, so I let them use whatever they want, for the most part.
They grabbed a nice shade of tan/brown, before inching their way over to me. I let out a breath of air and opened my arms. They crawled in next to me and started casting on stitches. I didn't question what they were making, and just quietly co-existed with them.

Time seemed to blur, and I had eventually fallen asleep. When I blurrily opened my eyes again, the light pouring in from the window was no longer there, and Y/n was next to me, focused. They had a booklight clipped on to the part of the scarf they were working on, which was entertaining to look at.
They were nearly done, and the scarf went from the wall across from us to where we were sitting. They seemed to be casting off. When they had finished, they looked at me, and I went back to 'sleeping', just to see what they would do.

Y/n leaned over me a bit, before brushing a bit of my hair out of my face. They messed with it for a bit, French braiding my hair out of the way, and getting up to leave. Well, that's what I was thinking until I was dragged away from my spot by the ankle into my bed.
It took a second to keep my chest from rising and falling irregularly due to me trying to keep myself from bursting out laughing. Most of the time, I've forgotten about Y/n's size. Even though they're probably strong enough to carry me (With all the training they do with a bow, it would make sense), they most likely wouldn't've been able to see my bed and set me there safely.

They tucked me in, and I heard scratching on paper. This went on for a solid 20 minutes, before the sound of a door closing. The music was still on, and it lulled me to sleep (for real).

When I had finally gotten up, it was morning again. I jumped out of bed and looked at my nightstand.
"You fell asleep. Were on stitch 14 of row 29, just so you know. (I scoff, mostly because Y/n doesn't count their stitches, but they took the time out of their day to count mine) Dunno whatchu making, but you'll tell me eventually. I made a scarf lookalike to Ink's (because I realized I have overall similar clothes -the scarf) Now I can dress up and scare him XD" 

There were a bunch of goofy doodles of Ink and them, that just made me smile.
I went back to working on my project with a smile.

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