Chap 28

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*Y/n POV*

Frisk spared 10 minutes later. I refused to back down. Spare. I'm tired, but... I refuse to stop. I attack again. Spare. I check the child, but still intend to finish what they'd started.

Frisk/Player - Nightmare&Bff/n - ATK??  DEF?? LV 8
*Currently overtaken by another player; go home.

But I refuse. I go to my actions. There's an option I'd never seen before anywhere in the game; 'True reset'.
Usually, you would only be able to true reset after you've finished a run, but this is different. I can reset this entire timeline in the blink of an eye with no repercussions. I do so.

I did not refuse. I did not give in. I did not back down.
I saved an entire timeline.

After this, I was forced out of AU and back into the Doodle sphere. I walked back into my house. In the livingroom, Nightmare was on the couch, seething, being held back by Error's strings, Axe, Horror, Cross, and Dust, while killer (beside F/1, who stayed quiet) was next to the five shouting, "I KNEW IT WAS Y/N!"
Ink, Error and Bff/n sat on the couch with the computer on the coffee table. Bff/n was hunched over, elbows on their knees, and their head resting on their hands as they waited, and the computer crashed. Error was glitching horribly, and Ink was standing beside the table, waiting for something.

I walked in. Nightmare stopped struggling, Error finally reloaded, and Bff/n moved to sit up, only to get their hand stuck to their face with blue strings. They let out a small shout as they fell to the ground with this shock. Error smirked, "wElL, i GuESs THeIr sTrINgS fInAlLy CaME iN." I help Bff/n up with a fake smile, saying monotonously, "Yeah, Strings."
Bff/n's face fell, "You ran out of the vials again. Do you nee-" I cut them off with a shake of my head. "My system's gotten accustomed to them. They're building a resistance; an addiction. I need to withdraw. Drinking paint-filled ice cubes isn't the best for my health anyways. I need to stop."

F/1 is extremely uncomfortable in my presence, I can tell. I walk up to them, knowing how unsettling my once emotion-fulled face must be, now all devoid of feeling or thought. "You can't leave me again." The sentence flew out of my mouth before I had fully understood the intention behind my words.
"You can't distance yourself from me just because the way I act is unlike what you are used to. I won't allow it. You can't come in my life again, just to ditch me like you did in middle and high school. Leave and don't come back or stay and be friends. You can't have both; make up your mind."

Silence from both parties.

"MAKE UP YOUR MIND!" I ended up shouting, though it had no malice and no anger. F/1 wasn't able to get the job done, so I did instead. "Okay, leave." I say, making the choice for them. F/1 almost opened their mouth to argue, but I held my hand out to the portal room. "If you don't want to stay here, in this reality, stay there; an omniverse away from me." F/1 fled the scene in an instant, pressure too much.
I walked to the couch and sat down, slumping. I hate myself. I hate myself so, so much. Why does my creator think the same? I am them, but also not? Does it really matter? I should just keep living, both life and death end the same anyways: The book ending. I know it's soon. The Author is getting tired. Tired of writing this fanfic that most will never even see in their lives; a tiny, unimportant contribution to the Undertale community/universe that will make no mark on the world around them. 

What starts out fun always turns to stress; I know this well. If you do something enough, it won't be enjoyable anymore, and you'll start to dread what was once your most favorite activity.
Maybe I'm digging in too far. Nobody can write the same story forever. Maybe it's the Author's time to move onto other things. I won't blame them; it was a good run. 

*The breakdown*

It was slow at first. Ink and his friends stopped visiting ever so slowly. Bff/n and I's powers started to become less potent, until they were soon... Gone.
It was just us now. Just like it's always been. We will be together until the very end, my friend and I.

I don't want to tell them that our world will be collapsing soon, even though they have the right to know. I'm pretty sure that their reaction will be as follows:

First, they'll shake it off, feigning happiness in order to make sure I too was comfortable with the situation.
Second, we'd spend more time together outside, or doing the things we both loved. They'd always make sure to know how appreciative I am of them and vice versa, and they slowly fall appart.
Third, Depression hits. There is nothing we can do, so we simply do nothing. Bff/n will wallow in self-pity and hate towards me for not telling them sooner. They wanted to spend more time with me- they would've spent more time with me if they knew. Lots of crying and feeling like absolute $h*t.
Fourth and final step, The death of our world. Will be spent just like with the third step- this is one outcome. The world ends, and we don't even know it. The other one is we know, and it happens slowly, and we reconcile as we slowly turn to both corpses and dust.

Nobody will remember us now, mostly because there will be none left to remember.
Well, except the readers, but they won't care. They'll move onto the next book/fanfic, eager for another story to latch onto. Eager for another detraction in their everyday lives.

I really do hope you end up caring in the end. 

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