Chapter Five

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My eye slowly begin to flutter open, my head feeling like there was an incredible pressure. I managed to open my eyes and was met with sun baring down through the slit of the curtain right into my face. I groan as I roll over onto my back, my eyes still droopy, the aftermath of that killer headache still lingering reminding me of its diligence.

I press myself off the bed and walk forward towards the curtain and grip the opening. The exposed skin in my hand began to feel like fire, a small glow radiating from my hand.
Why on gods red earth am I glowing for?
Okay, so two things are clear to me at this very moment.
One, this is not at all normal, what the hell just happened? Two, this is not my fucking curtain.
Where in the world am I?

I turn my head to the faint sound of keys jiggling, a door opening soon after. Anger consumes me as i barge out of the door of the room where i spent my slumber and make my way into an enormous kitchen.


I practically dive right for the meat cleaver that was sitting perfectly within its holder and stomp my way to the footsteps that began to grow louder. Nearing the archway that leads to another room, I swiftly move myself up against the wooden wall, ready to ambush my kidnapped. As the footsteps approached the archway I firmly grab a shoulder and roughly spin them, pushing their back against the countertop. My eyes fell upon a man, he seemed to be in his early twenties or so. His dirty blonde hair fell it loose waves, some draping over his face. His skin was tan,  complementing the glow of his hazel eyes.
I press the cleaver to his neck hard enough to draw blood, and veer my face closer to his, eyeing him carefully.

"Who the fuck are you and why am I here?!" I pressed the cleaver further into his neck, his Adam's apple scraping against the sharpness of the blade.
A small smile pulled on the side of his pink lips, lifting his arms in surrender.

"Sal, it's me"

I furrowed my brows, "Sorry? Who the hell are you?"

"Y-you don't remember me?" He looked upset, am I supposed to know this boy? I search his features to see if there's anything I can unravel. Surely enough, there wasn't.

"How the fuck do you know me huh? And I suggest you start talking". His eyes widened, however settled when he looked deep into my eyes. He glances down at the cleaver that was threatening to slit his throat, then looking the countertop. I understood what he meant, so I reluctantly removed the clever from his neck and placed it gently on the countertop.

"Never thought I'd be so close to having an appointment with the reaper at ten in the morning". He smirked a beautiful smile.

God damn it why does every asshole have a good smile?

"Ha.ha, you're hilarious, now talk".

"Okay okay, we used to be inseparable once".

I scoffed, rather loudly too. "The fuck? Talk black and white I don't have all day".

"Fine". He swung his hand up in defeat. " I'm Kaiden".

"What a lovely name you have Kaiden".

"Thank you, it mea"-. I cut him off, anger protruding from every pore on my body.

"It was sarcasm idiot, cool your names Kaiden want a fucking badge?" I direct my finger in front oh his face and point at him. "What am I doing here and how do you know me?".

"Well if you let me finish my sentence from earlier Id have already told you". He raised his eyebrows at me.
I give him a glance and then peak at my wrist, tapping it.

"I'm Kaiden Davis, We used to be close when you were a kid, your mother was best friends with mine. But one day you left and we never saw either of you again. No letter, no phone call, nothing. It's like you never existed".

My mouth pursed with confusion, "May that be the case. I. Don't. Know. You. So how do you explain that?"

"I don't know, honestly i don't. But I'm not making this up, we were practically family."

I slowly placed my angry gaze upon his kind one.
"I think I'd know my so called family. I only had one, and she's dead".

"W-wait, Maria is dead?" I look at him, dumbfounded.

"How the fuck do you know her name".

Kaiden sighed and looked at me saddened. "I already told you, we were family"- After a short pause he straightened himself as I stood back. -"Sal I'm so sor"-.

I jerked upright. "Stop. This is too much".

Kaiden placed his hands on my shoulders. "Look at me".

I reluctantly did. He looked sad for me. He pitied me. I hate people pitying me.

"You do know me, for some reason you don't remember me or my mother, but we were your family".
He studied my face for reassurance that I did in fact remember him, only disappointment reached his appearance when he realised I didn't.

"You should go get some rest, we can talk more after you've gained your strength".

I silently agreed and wandered back to the room where I had stayed last night, pulling the covers up resting my head of the cloud like pillows. Soon after I drifted off into another deep slumber.

 Soon after I drifted off into another deep slumber

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Word count: 900+
Last updated: 2/8/2024

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