Chapter Nine

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I tried to hide myself by pressing my back into the softness of the couch, hoping it would swallow me whole. "Wh-why?. Why did he want to kill a child?"

Elise sympathised, she reached out her soft hand and held my own. "That I do not know, I only know a small part of your suffering. Your mother trusted me, but she wanted to carry this burden alone"

I retracted my hand from her grasp swiftly, looking at her pleadingly. "So this is all I will know? I don't even know exactly what I am? What is wrong with me?!" I started to wail into Elise's arms, my voice braking as I forced the tears back into my eyes.

Elise caressed my auburn waves that curtained my face, she gently placed her hand under my chin, making my eyes meet hers. "I apologise, I know you wanted more information, but that is all I know. From what I can tell that's why you have been on the run for so long. To escape your father".

I closed my eyes and took deep methodical breaths.

"Please, Salem. If you have any other questions I will be assured to answer them if I can". I nodded, accepting defeat. "I do have one question. Elise peered at me, waiting for me to speak. "Do you know anyone by the name of Lazarus Igor?"

A wave of thought swept across her features. "I don't believe I know of that name, it sounds European. Where did you learn of this name?"

"I had a dream, or a memory I'm not too sure. It came the night I collapsed outside the club Orion. He seemed to have my mother scared, like he was blackmailing her with something".

Elise was lost in thought, thinking or trying to recall that name. "Listen to me, I have a friend." I nodded, unsure of where this was going. "He is...older, wise you might say. He's been around a long time and there's a high chance he knows who this man you're referring to is".

A glimmer of hope returned, I was eager to get to the bottom of where I came from. Of who I am.

"Please, what's his name? How do I find him?"

Elise stands from her chair and snatches a piece of paper and a pen, beginning to scribble. I was bopping up and down, unable to contain my excitement. I saw Kaiden was watching me, shying away a laugh.

Is he seriously laughing at me right now?

Elise came back over and handed me a piece of paper.

Claude Monet
Tell him Elise sent you

"Cl-Claude Monet? The Claude Monet?" Elise held back a laugh. "The one and only".

"How is that possible?" That would make him over one-hundred-and-fifty years old!"

Smiling again Elise couldn't help but snicker. "I did say he was wise, didn't I?"

"What the fuck is going on?" As if a calling to my cry Kaiden appeared behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "We have a lot to talk about on our way to the airport little dove".



I launched myself into the passenger seat, eager to get the airport as fast as possible.

"What are you doing Kaiden?" He looked at me confused, shrugging his shoulders. "Put the key in. Turn the key. Put it in drive. AND FUCKING MOVE!"

"Okay, okay sheesh. Who pissed in your tea". I roll my eyes looking at him. "Well seeing as though it was only your mother and you, I'm going to have to settle with you".

He laughed, clicking his seatbelt in and turning on the engine. About fucking time.

"Don't tempt me for a good time sweetheart, you're cute when you're mad". If looks could kill right now, let me tell you that Kaiden Davis would have passed the point of no return.

"That's just disturbing". He smiled clearly finding the humour in this. What is so funny? You said you'd piss in my tea dick face.

"And yet you don't find the fact that we are in a car, travelling to an airport to fly across the world to see someone who is over a century old a little disturbing?" I look at him expressionless. "Yup. Fair point". He laughed. "I thought as much".

After about an hour of driving we were halfway to the airport, tiredness was latching itself onto me in a vice grip but I was determined to save it for the flight. I peered at Kaiden. Pausing.



"What did you mean when you said we had a lot to talk about?" An urge of realisation dawned on him. "Oh that's right I completely forgot".

I sat there, waiting for him to keep on going. "Well?"

Kaiden looked at me with a smug look on his face. I wanted to punch it.

"I'm seven-hundred-and-thirty-eight years old" that was not what I was expecting,I was completely dumbfounded.

"I beg your finest pardon?"

Word count: 800+Last updated: 2/8/2024

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Word count: 800+
Last updated: 2/8/2024

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