Chapter Eleven

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Kaiden and I walked simultaneously through the airports large entry, after going through security and all that shit we both finally sat down in our gate.

"Y'know, you're taking all this surprisingly well".

I looked at him unbelievably. "I sizzled in the sun like a piece of bacon then started to glow like a fireflies ass, I don't think I'm in a position to judge".

"That seems rather reasonable".

I chuckle, rolling my head back until it rested on the pole that was behind my chair, closing my eyes. "I swear this Claude Monet better be as good at giving information as he is at slapping paint on a canvas".

"Sal, Elise sent us here in good faith. There's no guaranteeing he even knows Lazarus".

I defeatedly sighed. "I know, I just find it easier to believe this is as far as I'll have to go to find the truth".

Kaiden looped his arm around my shoulder and placed his hand on the side of my head, pulling my head to rest on his broad shoulder.

"Go to sleep little dove, I'll wake you when we are ready to board".

"You're being a bit touchy, feely there aren't we old man?" Kaiden scoffed.

"Just shut up and close your eyes dove".

And that exactly what I did.


Attention passengers, the flight for Paris has been cancelled, please return to the front desk to issue a new ticket. Thank you for your understanding.

"Little dove. Wake up". Kaiden was lightly shaking my sleeping body, but to no avail.

"Sal, get up your drooling on my shirt". That awoke me right away. I looked down at his shirt to see a long line of drool. I scrunched my nose up in response. Yuck.

"It's your drool, isn't it me to be the one all disgusted?"

"Oh please, you probably had the plague and everything else they had way back when".


"Why thankyou".

Kaiden stood up, picking up his carry on and lugging it over his shoulder.

"Are we ready to board?"

"Unfortunately no, they cancelled the plane to Paris, we will have to book the next earliest flight".

"Are you fucking serious, nah I'm cursed it's evident". I threw my hands up in surrender. "You're not cursed Sal, you're just"- I gave him a sharp look. "Think about your next words are going to be very. Carefully, I am not in a good mood".

"No kidding".

"Bite me".

"I can if you'd like".

I turn quickly and give him the deadliest stare. "Touch me and kick your vamp ass to Paris".

"It was a joke".


"Why thankyou". I have him another glare as he began to walk in the direction of the flight desk, I followed closely behind. He rebooked our flight and my mind could not stop thinking about lying down in a nice bed. A bed would be nice.

"Two upgraded tickets for business class for Paris, we apologise for the hassle. You two have a wonderful flight". The flight attendant handed Kaiden two tickets, he thanked the attendant and started heading in the direction of our new gate. Of course it was across the other side of the airport. For fucks sake.

It took us around 10 minutes to bear our gate, we still have about half of an hour until we boarded the plane. Kaiden started to slow his pace rather abruptly. "Sal?" I look at Kaiden as he positioned himself in front of me.
"Yes?" Kaiden took a deep breath, seeming almost scared to speak. "Have you had any uneasy feelings, anything at all?"

"Um? Edward Nigma, stop speaking riddles please".

Kaiden grabs my shoulder and pushes me into a storage room. "What the fuck are you doing?" Kaiden took a breath and stared at me. "Is there anybody that would want to hurt you? That you know of?"

"Um not particularly, most enemies I have made are six feet under so."  I cross my arms over my body.

"Yeah that's what I thought." A long pause. "I fear someone is watching us".

"We are in an airport, obviously people are watching us".

"That's not what I mean Sal, and you know it". I nodded. I did know what he meant. I just wasn't sure who would be following me at an airport, or if they even were following me.

As if to confirm Kaiden's suspicions, gunfire echoed its way through the entirety of the airport.
I immediately went to open the door to see what was going on, but Kaiden's hand practically slapped mine away from the handle.

"Do you have a death wish?"


"They are after you Sal, you can't just barge out there and be the hero you want to be, you can't let them know you're here". I look at him confused.

"How do you know even they're here for me? What makes you think this isn't just some random attack?"

Kaiden grabbed my face with his hand at either side, he stared into my eyes, for so long. "Your special Sal, you heard my mum, we may not know exactly what you are, but you are something."

"Thanks Sherlock, clearly I'm something I've realised that, that's why we need to speak to Claude".

In the midst of our semi argument, a large fist banged in the door to the storage room. We didn't dare speak nor breathe, well I didn't breathe. I guess Kaiden was fine in that department.


Kaiden looked over at me warily. "Don't open it Sal". I look at Kaiden judgementally.

"You don't say?".

Word count: 900+Last updated: 2/8/2024

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Word count: 900+
Last updated: 2/8/2024

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