Chapter Thirteen

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That conniving fucking bitch! Two of my men are dead thanks to her. Shes far stronger than I initially had thought .

I paced in my office. Shes got someone to protect her, she's smart I'll giver her that. I bet she feels so almighty and untouchable after wiping two of my men in a blink of an eye.

I was deep in thought, trying to come up with an impenetrable plan to subdue her.
"My King". One of the guards stood at the entrance to my office, breaking me away from my thoughts. He was too scared to move any closer. Good.

"What do you want?"

"The Lord sir, he wishes to speak with you". The guard I have no interest in knowing the name of  bowed his head, shuffling back a few steps.

Why on earth would the Lord wish to summon me now?


"N-now my King"

I took in a deep breath, of course, the bastard just couldn't wait could he.

"Very well, you may go". I waved the guard off with my hand, he made no attempt to stay any longer as he rushed out of the doors entry and faded out the long corridor. I start to make my way to the front of the castle, readjusting my suit as I glance at the maids who cower as I walk by, their head hanging low.

I made my way to the door of the castle and opened, inviting in the rays of the sun and the fucking Lord. Fuck why now?

"King Eleazar, I have pressing concerns"

"My ears are open". The Lord stiffed, anger was evident in his presence.

"The girl, have you located her yet?" I sigh, of course this is what he was here for, what wonderful timing that is.

"My men found her at the airport, she was attempting to flee. However my men, they failed both me and you. She killed them".

The Lord growled, a small quiver was sent through the castle walls.

"It seems as though my fear has come true then, she is getting more powerful by the hour. We must find her, quickly! Before she learns her true strength"

"I can assure you that we have it all under control, she plans to leave for Paris"- King Eleazar gazes at his watch. "In the next hour, we have a surprise waiting for her arrival.

The Lord laughed menacingly. "Good. I hope to I see I have nothing to worry about then, tremendous work my boy".

King Eleazar forced a smile to the Lord. "Oh and one other thing, shall you secure her. You can have her, do what you will until I come and visit her myself".

"Gladly, Lord Adonai".

Word count: 400+Last updated: 2/8/2024

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Word count: 400+
Last updated: 2/8/2024

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