Chapter Sixteen

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I am so unbelievably hungry.

Since waking up in this hell hole, not a single soul has come to pay me a visit.

I knew I looked like a total wreck, I can feel the produced oil from my hair, damp on my scalp, and I can start to smell my own armpits. Disgusting.

I really do hope the person that put me behind these bars can fight, because I'm gonna give him one hell of a show when they show their ass down here.

I let my head hang, it was getting exhausting and heavy being stuck upright for days on end. I couldn't even think of anything to get my mind off of the pain that ached my wrists. I wanted to cry and scream, I wanted to leave.

A rattling sound at the dungeons door broke me from my thoughts. Is my captor finally coming? He's bloody in for it.
With the second click of the lock the dungeon door opened. All I could see was a silhouette of reasonably tall man. He was broad too, definitely strong. Shit.

My eyes were glued to the shadow that started to make its way across the dungeon to my cell. Soon he came to a stop all together, pulling out a chain of keys and unlocking my cell door. The caged door creaked open and the man advanced forward. I didn't want to be seen as weak, but I really wanted to leave. "Help me. Please".

The shadow let out an ice cold laugh. He took a couple more steps forward, the dim singular light slightly illuminating his face. "Oh my little vixen, this is certainly a surprise. You have no idea how happy I am to see you again".

He was the guy from club Orion, what the fuck is going on?

"Why the fuck am I here?" My voice cracked, I came across as scared but I was really just extremely pissed off.

The emerald eyed devil laughed at my question, nothing was funny. I wanted an answer.

He looked me in my eyes, for a moment I felt as though he was going to kiss me. What a stupid idea that was.

Like the speed of light he had all of my hair balled up into his fist. I screamed out in pain, the burning sensation on my scalp overwhelming me. He brought is face close to mine, so close that I could taste the bourbon on his breath. "You have no idea what you are do you?" I shook my head, too frightened to say anything. I didn't want my voice to expose how I was really feeling.

"Use your words".

Well there goes that plan.

"No, I-I don't". He smiled, seeming happy to hear me stutter in fear. This man seemed somewhat kind at the club when I first met him, creepy sure, but kind. That's what scared me the most, I didn't know his true motive.

His eyes were still observing me, I felt so naked under his stare. "You have no idea how much fun we are going to have together, I've waited for this moment for years". He practically spat the words at me.

Years? What the fuck does he mean years?

"If you fucking lay a hand on me I will make you wish you were dead". My teeth were baring. I'm not sure where this courage came from but it didn't seem to help me out one bit.

"Tssk, I already am sweetheart".

Oh for fucks sake. He's a vampire too? Just great.

He gradually slid his hand from my hair, trailing his fingers over my collarbone until they found themselves below my chin. Out of no where, his open fist came spiraling toward my face, my head snapping to the side from the forced blow. I didn't even have any time to react, he moved so fast I literally didn't see it coming. The sting of his hit started making my face feel numb, like needles were injecting themselves all over. I summoned up the courage to look at him. He was still standing in front of me, he was still so close.
He raised his hand again and clasped it around my chin, he had a firm vice grip on my face. He began to squeeze mercilessly on both sides between his hand, enjoying my small trembling . "Who would have thought the person I was after this entire time, could have easily landed in my bed".

I shake my head, trying to pry my face from his grasp, he huffed and pushed my face to the side.

"You're fucking delusional you know that? What part of me leaving makes you think I wanted to sleep with you?"

He cocks his head to the side, stepping one foot closer. "He leaned in, his lips nearly kissing my ear. "I could smell the arousal on you, you wanted me".

"Dream on shit stain, I'd rather make out with a bin liner than look at you".

Another slap caused my head to jerk to the side, this time I made no hesitation to look directly at him, anger boiling from every fibre in my being.

"I'm going to have so much fun breaking you, little vixen".

My face contorted with disgust. "You can't break me, I have nothing to lose, seeing as though Im on this side of the cell, I'd say the circumstances are different for you".

Anger was more prominent in his features now. Good. Be mad.

He makes another step towards me, he places both his hands on the curve of my waist, and slowly trailed his fingertips up the curve of my body, sending electric waves under my skin. He kept tracing his hands over me until they reached my cheeks once again. He looked me in the eyes intently and cupped my face, his nose started to flare. What the fuck was his problem?

"Get a good nights sleep sweetheart, tomorrow is where the fun begins". And with that he slapped my face with both of his hands and close the door to my cell, walking out of the dungeon.

What the fuck just happened.

Word count: 1000+Last updated: 2/8/2024

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Word count: 1000+
Last updated: 2/8/2024

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