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The weather in Seoul was divided into two, hot in the summer and cold in the winter, as the spring and autumn seasons were extremely short.

Hanni only felt that now she wore a nice autumn coat yesterday and today she wore a thick padded jacket.

"Hanni unnie, this is the studio's sales report from last month." Bae showed Hanni a statistical report.

Hanni glanced and found that the sales volume of the mid length boots was the best. "I thought boots would be more popular in the winter."

"Our boots are very fashionable, although they look good, they aren't very versatile," Bae replied. "In contrast, the mid length boots are better as they are more convenient to put on and take off and much more versatile."

"Hanni unnie, there are a lot of people who pre-ordered them. When will the factory produce them?" Kai asked from the side.

"It should be fast. Danielle went to her uncle's factory to urge him in person yesterday," Hanni replied.

"Dani unnie has been away for two days. When will she be back?"

"She sent me a message in the morning. She's expected to return at noon, and when she comes back, we will go eat hotpot together."

This was winter, people can't help but want to eat hot pot.

"Good!" Bae clapped her hands excitedly. She really liked her current job. The company had a simple staff, the commissions were high, and the bosses often invited her to dinner generously.

Hanni smiled, looked down at the report, then glanced at the bottom. There was a big zero in the column of custom shoes. She asked, "No one still consults us for custom shoes?"

"Hanni unnie, if you can, tell Danielle unnie this pair of shoes is too expensive. Rich people don't mind, but others can't afford it."

When they set up the studio, their goal was the customization route. As a result, in the past six months, apart from several friendship sponsors from relatives and friends, there had been no customized customers, which was a pity. Fortunately, their brand was doing well on the internet. After such a long time, it had become a small online retail store. Every time they released a new product, there would be knock offs online shortly afterward.

"After a while, if there are no customers, your Dani unnie will naturally adjust the price," Hanni says with a smile.

"Also," Bae nodded. "I'll go make a reservation at a hot pot restaurant."

Hanni nodded, then her phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and saw a message from her mother.

Roseanne: Your cousin arrives at the train station in an hour. You go pick her up.

"Bae, I may not be able to go eat hotpot. I have something to do," Hanni responded to her mother's message while explaining to Bae.

"Hanni unnie, can't you go?"

"My cousin is here. I have to pick her up."

"Then, the temperature is cold today, and there may be black ice on the road. Hanni unnie, drive slowly on the road," Bae exhorted.

"Okay." Hanni waved her hand and left.

The cousin she was about to pick up was called Eunchae. She was the granddaughter of Hanni's great aunt. Although Hanni had seen her once or twice when she was a child, there was almost no image after all these years. She came to Seoul this time for her daughter.

Eunchae's daughter was three and a half years old this year. The little girl caught a cold in the winter but didn't get better after being treated for half a month in her hometown's hospital. The family was worried, so they sent them to Seoul and contacted Hanni's mother.

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