The Dream

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, there may be angst, and death.

Sorry I've been gone for a while I just didn't want wattpad anymore. Though I kept writing stories, after a while I wanted to write for others again. If you guys want me to write a fanfic of another anime I'll do so if I know enough about it. I am sorry for any spelling errors. This is not the final form.

A short blonde boy was quietly sitting near an open fire. He had a blank expression on his face. Meliodas and the sins had just defeated Fraudrin who had been possessing Dreyfus with Elizabeth's help. If only the boy still had his power, but with his great power comes corruption. He couldn't help it though it was in his DNA it wasn't something he could just change, like he is what he is. Even if he had changed so much in those 3000 years deep down there will always be a part of him who wants to kill and who wants to have another holy war. To be the leader of the Ten Commandments, to become the next Demon King. He pushed those dark thoughts and his doubts to the back of his mind and tried to be positive.

He knew what Fraudrin was doing, what he DID do. 'If I can't even beat Fraudrin how am I gonna beat the Ten Commandments?' Meliodas thought. He looked around the campfire and saw some of the sins asleep, the only person who wasn't there was Elizabeth. Elizabeth had just realized that she had powers all along but they were the powers of a Druid. The opposite of the powers of a demon. Meliodas had drifted to sleep and he had laid down on a wooden log.

It all went dark, Meliodas had opened his eyes once again and had seen darkness with some purple fog. Within the fog there were outlines of something. People, Demons. The aura that Meliodas felt, it was definitely the Ten Commandments. A shadow had made its way towards meliodas, the shadow was the same in height and size, a spiky outline of hair was seen.

A boy had stepped out of the fog, he resembled meliodas in many aspects, his eyes were onyx coloured like his hair. He wore a red jacket that exposed his chest, it was more of a jump suit. It was one whole piece of clothing. There was a cuff attached to the jacket that went up to his ears. He had silver gauntlets on both arms and a black swirl above his right eye. His eyes were a black void but you can see the anger in them. "Zeldris?" Meliodas asked. His hand shaking yet his voice not faltering. "Oh how far you've fallen." Zeldris said. His tone was dark and stern. Meliodas had convinced himself this was just a dream and he should calm down. "Oh wow Zeldris! I didn't think I would see you in my dreams again!" Meliodas said in an upbeat and happy go lucky tone.

Zeldris had raised his hand with a sword in his hand. "Don't play this game with me." The black haired boy said. "This is not a dream!" He sounder bringing his arm down. Meliodas had gotten ready to dodge his brother strike until he immediately woke up. He was looking up to Elizabeth and some of the other sins.
"Are you okay Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth had asked softly, Her tone was full of worry. Meliodas felt sweat all I've this forehead and his clothes sticking to his skin, his skin itched and it was uncomfortable. He sat up and scratched his arm. Meliodas contemplated if he should tell the sins or not. 'Maybe it wasn't a dream.' Meliodas thought. Meliodas mind then wondered to the moment Fraudrin took Elizabeth and his Lost Vaynes Hilt. Those two were the key to the demon realm and even a goddesses blood was enough to unseal the demon clan. Meliodas had stared at Elizabeth. He couldn't see any cuts, she probably already healed herself from them so it wasn't worth looking any harder.

Why was he even looking? I mean besides Elizabeth's perfect body. Though he doesn't have the energy to be a pervert. He already knew the demon clan was coming back. What was the point of doubting it? Maybe it's because he knew he couldn't do anything while Merlin had his powers sealed. Instead of sealing his powers with the druids. his powers were sealed away deep inside of him. Somewhere so deep even he couldn't find. Only Merlin had this ability. It was all of Merlin's fault, if it wasn't for Merlin doing this, Elizabeth wouldn't have been kidnapped and this wouldn't have happened. Meliodas was overwhelmed by anger, forgetting the other sins were around him worryingly standing there staring at him.

'It is all of Merlin's fault' The boy repeated in his mind over and over and over again. It was all of Merlin's fault. Meliodas had snapped out with a kick to the face by Hawks, he looked around but Merlin wasn't anywhere to be seen.

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