Change of View

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If Meliodas really was a commandment and he had ill will if King had confronted him in front of everyone he could have made an attempt to kill everyone here.

King couldn't let that happen to Diane, He wasn't sure if he could save her in time if Meliodas really had tried to harm her.
King had been staring at Meliodas drink a bottle of champagne in the tavern.

Everyone was hanging out and having fun, though something had been off with Meliodas since that night. King noticed this maybe Meliodas felt like he didn't have to pretend anymore and that everyone would finally just die, but he had usually drank, told jokes and laughed now he was a lot more quiet and sometimes laughed at others jokes. Perhaps it was because of what happened with Ban.

Even though that may have been a possibility that didn't seem realistic to King. "Captain." King said. He should do this now before Meliodas gets too drunk.
"What's up King?" Meliodas asked nonchalantly looking to the left and up at King. "We need to talk, in private." King stated.

Meliodas nodded and stood up. He went outside of the boar hat, a decent distance away just so nobody could overhear the conversation they were about to have.

"How do you know Galand?" King asked Bluntly. He was straight to the point. Meliodas stayed quiet he didn't have an answer and he couldn't exactly lie. "He had a part to play in killing my past girlfriend." Though it wasn't the truth it technically wasn't a lie. Meliodas tried to stay as anonymous as possible with his answers, King was someone who was definitely quick to judge.

"I'm aware that your a demon Meliodas, what are your intentions?" King asked. Meliodas didn't utter a word but sighed. "I just want to protect the people I care about." Meliodas stated. Meliodas at first didn't care much about saving others only himself and Elizabeth. He betrayed his own family for her and so he meant everything to him.

Meliodas had loved her more than anybody and anything and it was the first time he felt this away about another person, especially one he thought was below him and inferior. Meliodas knew it wasn't a good idea to keep things from king and he would make things more complicated this way Meliodas sighed.

After all Meliodas couldn't just drop a bomb saying that there is a War gonna happen that involved his past and not say anything about it. The risk of Elizabeth knowing the truth and gaining her memory was in fact high if he decided to go ahead and say these things outloud. Though king is good at keeping secrets unlike Diane and some others. Maybe this way King can help him, Somehow.

King already knew Meliodas was a demon and King having doubts about Meliodas loyalty would put a strain on the team and could jeopardize Elizabeth's safety. "I'll tell you a little bit about me." Meliodas stated looking at King. "However you cannot say this to anybody, especially Elizabeth." Meliodas added.

King was silent. He didn't say anything and he didn't expect Meliodas to actually say anything, he would have though his captain would take the secret to his grave.
"I was one of the Ten Commandments during the Holy War, the right hand man to the Demon King himself." Meliodas said. "I had met Merlin when she was alot younger and grew close to her, at first I didn't really care but that was the first time I had felt sympathy for someone else." Meliodas said. His hands were in his legs as he looked down at them.

"Is sympathy really a difficult emotion for demons to feel?" King asked. He had a bit of a snappy, sassy tone to him a bit disgusted.
"No, demons feel regret, remorse, sadness, anger, empathy, happiness all the emotions other races have." Meliodas added.

King was annoyed. "So what the hell makes you different?!" King yelled.

Meliodas was quiet. "I was their weapon. A weapon cannot have feelings or feel empathy to those it kills." Meliodas said.

"If your this all powerful emotionless weapon why are you helping us, then?" King asked. He was still on guard and was about ready for anything.

"I had met a goddess that changed my view on life."
If you hadn't realized this is a reenactment of what happened with when everyone had gone to the druids to train. This didn't happen because of what was told during the story about Meliodas's power being sealed inside of HIM and not a goddess Amber.

Merlin had also played a part in this, and king may or may not have a bigger role to play in the future I say this in case any readers are confused on what is happening, Any plot holes may eventually be filled.

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