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Chapter 2

He looked around but Merlin wasn't anywhere to be seen. Meliodas had began shaking in unbridled fury. Merlin sealed most of his abilities after the incident of Danafall. It wasn't his fault is was Fraudrin, It was the demon clan. Fraudrin killed Liz, Meliodas was sure he wasn't gonna get revenge for that but Danafall was already in ruins, very body was already dead yet Merlin still sealed his powers away deep inside him even further than he can pull out.

Hawks began yelling in annoyance as Meliodas was in a daze and staring too long. Meliodas had fallen off the log and slumped down on the ground thanks to the kick that Hawks gave him earlier. Meliodas loved Hawks, he did, despite all the threats Meliodas gave Hawks saying he would cook him they were bluffs. Meliodas knew hawks was from purgatory, He's a talking pig. He has the ability to turn into what he eats. A demon he eats or a monster. Though right now all he felt was anger, he wanted to kill something, someone.

Hawks being the first one there he unleashed his pent up rage against. Meliodas had stood up and kicked hawks hard. Hawks went flying and screamed as he hit a nearby tree. A black mark had slowly started to form in the middle of Meliodas's forehead. It slowly grew and became thicker, his eyes became an onyx color like his brother in his dream. Part of the mark had seeped down his left eye in the shape of a scar.

"Hawks!!" Elizabeth said. Quickly jumping off the log and checking Hawks for any injuries. She knew Meliodas would sometimes smack Hawks but she knew this was different. "What the hell captain!" A girl said, her brown hair was down and she had purple eyes, though they showed anger, it wasn't a pretty look on her. Elizabeth was healing hawks scratch marks and looked back at Meliodas. His anger was silent and deadly, it felt like it was gonna consume her and devour her very being. There was something dark about it maybe not something pure evil, no she wouldn't at all consider Meliodas pure evil. Something cunning, malicious. Though Meliodas wasn't any of those things, is what Elizabeth thought.

At this moment Meliodas wanted to kill someone, needed, he hadn't felt this feeling for so long, since the Holy War, since Elizabeth first died, Eli's first death. His anger was directed towards Hawks. He couldn't be vulnerable he couldn't show weakness he can't be considered a joke, he has to be the strongest, is something at the back of his head that was being repeated over and over. You can't show them weakness, no mercy. Fist had swung downwards at Meliodas which he just caught.
He is a leader and his subordinates must fear him.
So they will never rebel and betray him.

Meliodas was in a trance he was stuck in the past. He was having numerous flashbacks to when he did nothing but kill and kill and kill. Was his existence only for carnage? Death? Destruction? He shook his head 'no meliodas people need you, Elizabeth, the sins, Liones... the world....' Meliodas's demon mark slowly disappeared his eyes returning into an emerald green. 'Sometimes you can show a little weakness and vulnerability...' he thought. Then again, even his bestfriend tried to kill him, he was gonna to betray him without a second thought, without questioning the situation.

Though Meliodas was sure that everybody would hate him if they knew he was a demon. After all, most people here lost people they cared about to demons. Meliodas, he was the first SON of the demon king. They wouldn't take the news lightly at all, they would question his intentions and doubt him. Meliodas was tired of all this thinking and he plopped down onto the log and let himself go, he let all his emotions and doubts let loose as he began it cry. He had his head in his knees and he sobbed softly. He was about to lose everything and everyone he cared about.

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