Demon Hunters Guild.

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Enyo smiled seeing the letter from the Taylor guild. They invited her personally to join their guild and not only that but they would give her a place of honor together with her father. Marcus was reading over her shoulder and laughed at their desperate attempt to get her to join them. The queen announcing that she wanted Enyo to make all the uniforms for her guards in the future was enough to ignite a fire within them. The letter was honestly a little sad. Mr. Fidelwick had written it himself but he not only belittled Enyo in said letter but also begged her to join the guild.

"Father, do you want to write a response?" Enyo asked looking at him with a sly smile. The guild would be missing 100 rin at least if Enyo did not join them. 1 rin was the equivalent of 1000 ron. Enyo smiled her dowery was the equivalent of 700 lux. 1 lux was 100 rin. It was too much in her book but her father insisted and so did the church and the royal family also added 100 lux calling it a payment for keeping their daughters safe. It was a dowery bigger than Enyo had ever expected it to be. An appropriate dowery would have been 50 lux at least with her education and social standing.

"It is your letter. You should respond to them alone," Her father said. She only smiled as she got up.

"Well then I will get started right away," Enyo said and walked to her room. It was no longer in the addict. She had been moved to a room on the first floor. It was bigger than the maid room and she had quite a few pieces of furniture. After Marcus and her had first taken her as a student and then found out she was his daughter a lot of things had changed. She had been moved to this room when she was made a student but she got an allowance of 250 ron a week after finding out she was his daughter. The money was more of a gesture than a necessity as Enyo earned far more than that. They had hired another maid of all work and Enyo still helped with chores in the beginning until Marcus decided he wouldn't let his daughter do domestic labor when he could afford to hire more servants. He had taken her both to a catholic priest and a Prifily after his birthday and they used an ancient type of magic to prove their family ties. Marcus had been over the moon happy to have a daughter and had done his best to make her feel loved by him. She had been shocked. While she knew she had needed 3 months to get used to the news. Now the two had both accepted it and they had each other's backs. She finished the letter declining their offer and writing exactly why she declined.

"William," She called out. A male servant came he was one of 3 male servants Marcus and her employed. She gave him the letter and instructed him where to deliver it. Normally they would send a maid but the guild had no respect for women and Enyo wouldn't risk one of her girls' chastity for a simple letter.

 In total, they had 8 servants. 2 men, 5 women, and a servant who was technically a man but he didn't have the parts. The highest paid servant was paid 2 ron an hour while their lowest paid servant was paid 2 ron a day. Most of them could get a higher wage if they went to a factory for work but they couldn't get a warm and guaranteed clean and dry bed, nor 3 full meals a day or clothing made for them specifically. 

Enyo smiled as her personal maid came up to her with a letter. Enyo smiled and took it as she broke the seal. She was invited to dinner by her grandmother. Well, why not? Enyo thought. It was tonight and while it was normal to at least have a few day's warning it was nice to know that they accepted her. She walked back to the drawing room where she saw her father sitting with the newspapers.

"Anything interesting?" Enyo asked him.

"Other than the news that the queen wants you to make the uniforms for her guards. No," Marcus told her.

"What are the critics saying?" Enyo asked looking over her father's shoulders.

"They are beginning to think that you are a man or a proxy. I do admire the overanalyzing they do to come to such a conclusion. They say one of the reasons for you being a man is because they say your posture is not as straight as it should be for a lady and therefore you are accustomed to the more relaxed stance and manners of a gentleman and therefore you are a man," Marcus told her. Enyo found it hilarious but she also found it so pathetic that it wasn't worth a laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01 ⏰

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