17. get away

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"So that is it  you give up?" Sorscha asked in shock. "Yep and don't panic Marjorie,  you won't have to put up with me, I will find a one bedroom flat and i can walk to and from work" she says blankly. "Charlotte you aren't thinking straight" Reece says softly before moving to be closer to Charlotte. "Reece you don't scare me" Charlotte tells him sternly, Reece rolls his eyes. "Im not trying to fucking scare you, I'm trying to fucking comfort you because all night you have been an emotional and an emotionless wreck" Reece quickly snaps back. "Well that certainly rubbed salt into the wounds" she told him. Reece rolled his eyes. "Reece wrong timing" Autumn tells him before pushing him towards Marjorie.

"Mia is never going to love me again so its time i moved out. Marjorie can you help me pack tomorrow please" she asked Marjorie nods slowly. "Right well i think we should all sleep especially if there is packing to get done tomorrow" Clodagh pipes up, everyone nods. "We get the spare room" Autumn says quickly. Sorscha and Clodagh giggle. "We were going to stay with Charlie anyway so dont worry, its all yours" Sorscha tells her.

At about 7:30 the next morning there was beeping coming from outside. Charlotte got up off the couch, almost losing her balance and she opened the door to see mia there. "Hurry up, i agreed to pick you up" Mia shouted from her car. Charlotte could only just about stand up. It wasn't till she was stood at the door that she could feel her head throbbing. Mia impatiently beeped her horn again. Charlotte gripped her head. "Mia stop" she told her, shutting the front door and sliding down the back of it her head in her hands.

The rest of the house was still asleep so Charlotte was left alone with her thoughts and Mias continuous beeping. Charlotte sobbed to herself as she sat by the front door. The beeping had woken Clodagh up, as she walked to see what was going on she spotted Charlotte. "Sweetie what's wrong?" She asked softly. "Mia is here but i don't know how to feel and my head hurts" Charlotte mumbled. "Char, I'm going to pull you up" she whispered before getting Charlotte to her feet. "Lets get you sat with sors and i will tell Mia that you will be dropped off later"

Charlotte stayed quiet as she listened to how Mia was treating Clodagh. "Mia that is to far" she whispered to herself. Finally the front door closed before Clodagh walked in. "That was to far, that wasnt fair on you" Charlotte whispered nervously, walking over to hug Clodagh. "Charlotte,  its okay sweetie. You heard what she said so I won't repeat it" Clodagh whispered, Charlotte nodded. "Im scared for Carly, we just got her from a toxic environment and now we have me and Mia going off at eachother" she muttered. "Maybe we should get Carly to stay with us because you and Mia clearly can't handle it" she was being honest but it hurt Charlotte.

It didnt take long for Charlotte's phone to ring, she moved and answered it. "Charlotte you need to get your ass home, Carly is here because of you. You forget that, you need to look after her not me. I suggest you get over yourself very soon." Mia shouted down the phone at Charlotte. "Clodagh and Sorscha have offered to take Carly to stay with them because they can look after her better than us. I swear though if you upset Carly in anyway we are over for good!" Charlotte shouted back at her her voice laced with venom. "Fuck you then Charlotte" she shouted back before hanging up.

Charlotte threw her phone across the room just as Sorscha woke up. "Hey hey hey, Charlie its okay" she told her quickly standing up and hugging Charlotte tightly. "You need to calm down, please" she whispered, rubbing her back. Charlotte kept her hands by her side, fists clenched in anger. "Me and Clodagh will have Carly with us, this is to much for you and Mia. Me and Clodagh will head over and talk to her now but right now I'm not leaving you alone. We can either find Auts or Marj" Sorscha carried on waffling to Charlotte. "I think I need Marj but I dare not go and find her while shes with Reece. Same with Auts. Look i will be fine" Charlotte whispered. "Fine you stay here we will go and See Carly and everyone will be awake soon, we've got this" Sorscha tells her friend while pushing her onto the couch and covering her with a blanket.

Charlotte stayed on the couch as she watched Clodagh and Sorscha walk out. She waited for them to leave before breaking down. She curled herself into a ball before wrapping the blanket around more, crying into the pillow. Charlotte had never felt so alone. Her phone had constant messages coming through but she ignored them.

After a while Marjorie walked in, spotting Charlotte. "Oh my love its okay" she whispered, quickly taking  Charlotte into her arms, holding her against her chest. "Can you check my phone" Charlotte whispered pointing at it on the floor. Marjories slowly moved to pick it up. "Its Mia messag-" she stopped as she looked the messages. "Char we love you" She whispered while looking at her phone, Charlotte saw Marjories face change. "My love Carly is moving out to stay with Sorscha and Clodagh. Carly has messaged saying thank you and that see will see you at work" she starts "Mia has messaged a few times aswell. I will be back in one minute. I just want to speak to Reece" she told her, Charlotte watched as she practically ran out of the room with Charlottes phone in her hand.

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