18. Times of crisis

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"Reece!" she practically shouted at him while gently shaking his shoulder. He stired awake, smiling softly before locking eyes with Marjorie. "Babe, i know that look anywhere. What's wrong?" He asked quickly, sitting up. Marjorie passed him the phone. "She what?!" He yelled at Marjore. "Does Charlotte know? Is she okay? Where is she?" he asked lots of questions. "I haven't told her. she's curled up on the couch in pieces." That was enough for Reece. He got up and walked past Marjorie and downstairs. "Charlotte,  come up with everyone else," he whispered softly while entering the room. She shook her head. Reece sighed before picking her up. "Reece, what part of no is this?" she muttered bluntly. "You know how I feel about concent and everything, but this is different," he whispered softly before taking Charlotte into his room and placing her on Marjories' side of the bed. "Sorry, my love, but i want you to be with us." Charlotte sighed as she listened to her friend.

"Charlotte, mia has messaged, and well, she's moving out. She's renting a place for now, but it's in" she took a deep breath "...spain" she finished." Marjorie watched as Charlottes' heart broke, her breathing got heavier, and tears rolled down her cheeks. Charlotte shook her head quickly, sitting up. She grabbed her phone, calling mia.

"Mia, dont leave, I can be better, I can earn more money, I can be better around the house, I will make you happier, dont just leave me" Charlotte said quickly down the phone, panic clear in her tone. "Charlotte, we need a break. Look at the us. We dont love each other," Mia replied calmly. "What do you mean,  dont love each other? I NEVER STOPPED LOVING YOU!" Charlotte screamed  at her. Marjorie sat rubbing Charlotte back in an attempt to comfort her. "Charlotte, we need a break. Having Carly hasn't helped me at all. I'm not who you thought I was. We need a break, Charlotte, " Mia told her sternly. "Dont just leave me, mia!" Charlotte sobbed down the phone as Mia hung up.

Charlotte fell back against Marjorie, everything  running through her head. "Charlotte breathe for me," Marjorie whispered while rubbing her back. "Charlotte, you need to breathe," Marjorie said a bit louder. "Reece! She's not breathing, " Marjorie shouted to Reece, who was in the bathroom, getting ready to cook breakfast. He walked over and knelt in front of Charlotte. Blowing into her face a couple of times till she took a big shaky breath. "Reece, what was that for?" she whispered. "Marj  said i had bad breath, and i needed your opinion," he whispered softly while holding Charlottes hands in his own. Reece sat on the floor, making sure his knee was touching Marjorie for comfort.

"Charlotte, you need to calm down, okay? I will talk to that mean red head. As much as i hate it, being with her for 20 years has its uses in times of crisis, " he whispered. Charlottes whole body was shaking with adrenaline from her panic attack. "Listen to me Charlotte,  i am going to visit Mia now, but i need you to calm down first," he whispered softly, Charlotte took some deep breaths.

Reece stood up and slowly walked away. Marjorie slowly pushed Charlotte till her head hit the pillow. "Marj, can you play with my hair?" Charlotte asked. Sadly, Marjorie nodded. "Of course, my love," she whispered, wiping her eyes with her sleeve before fiddling with Charlottes hair. "If i promise to stay with you here, you can try to sleep," she said softly, Charlotte nodded. Marjorie continues to run her fingers through Charlotte hair while humming softly.

Meanwhile, Reece was driving to Mias. He made the twenty minutes drive in just under ten. He parked the car on her drive before walking up to the front door. Once she opened the door, Reece walked straight in "Reece what do you want. I need to pack, " she told him. "Ugh, the only place you are going is to mine. You are breaking Charlottes' heart, and im not letting you walk away! She is in bits and she couldn't breathe, I had to blow in her face! I have never seen her this upset, even after the fallout and her divorce. You have still hurt her more than anyone has before, " he tells her sternly. "Reece, she knows that I see myself in Carly, yet she still brings her here and leaves me with her," she tells him. "Char is breaking right now. Do you really want to leave her like this? " Mia looked at the floor. "Why are you always right?" she mumbled. "I will bring you back with me,"

After a painful drive home, Reece pulled into the driveway. "Dont you dare fucking hurt her" Reece said sternly as they both got out the car. As they went inside, the sound of sobbing echoed the house. "That's what you caused." Reece whispered. "Where is she?" Mia asked, Reece pointed to the stairs. Mia ran upstairs and followed the sound of Charlotte.

Mia ran into Marjories and Reeces bedroom, seeing Charlotte sat on the edge of the bed. "Char," Mia said softly. "Mia? Why are you here? Please, you dont have to rub it in?" Charlotte sobbed as Mia moved to sit in front  of her. "I didn't mean to upset you, especially not this much," Mia said while sitting on the floor, trying to hold Charlottes hand, but she pushed her away. "Dont make me fall for this. You are only going to leave me again, and i will have to try and pick myself back up," Charlotte sobbed as she lent against Marjorie for support. "Mia, please, you have done enough," Marjorie told her. Mia rolled her eyes before standing up. "Charlotte, this is your last chance to speak to me, and if this is how you want to leave it, then that's your choice," Mia told her. Charlotte watched her walking away. She stood up and threw herself at Mia, clinging to her back. "I have always loved you, and i dont want you to leave me," she sobbed into her back. Mia could feel her top soaking through.

"Baby. I was angry and hurting. i never meant to hurt you like this, " Mia said, turning around and wrapping her arms around Charlotte. "I dont want to relax with you. You are going to leave me," Charlotte sobbed. "Char, you are going to burn yourself out, so you do need to calm down," Marjorie whispered. "For once she is right, let's get you sat down." Charlotte shook her head. "I will fall asleep and wake up alone, and you will be in Spain," Charlotte muttered, Mia sighed. "I haven't got to go, but right now, you are in too much of a state to think straight. Why dont you go and have a shower, and i will wait for you, " Mia whispered. "Yeah, i will find you something comfy to put on for after," Marjorie whispered.

Charlotte nodded slightly and wandered off into the bathroom. "Im sat just outside the door," Mia told her softly as she heard the water turn on. "Marjorie, thank you." Mia got out, Marjorie stopped in her tracks, holding a pair of leggings and a hoodie in her arms. "Bet that hurt to say, but i did it for Char."

Marjorie helped get Charlotte changed after her shower because Charlotte has fully drained herself. They both walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. "Marj, can i nap?" Charlotte muttered while rubbing her eyes.

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