Wildest Dreams

285 13 14

Not really a TW this time, but still one sorta

This is from Lovers Perspective

I wake up, covered in sweat and burning up, but I wasn't uncomfortable. I've been having these... weird dreams. But I shouldn't be having them, because that's crazy. If only they were in real life.... WAIT EW! I can't be having those types of dreams about... that.

My shower is warm, and I rinse myself off and get dressed in my cutest skirt. It's pink, and has ruffles on the bottom. I make sure to have my best makeup on. I have to look my absolute best at all times, maybe one day people will actually want to talk to me.

I run into the kitchen and pour some cereal into a bowl. I'm a little behind schedule, so I don't even bother putting milk in.

"Who are you trying to impress today? Who's the lucky man?" My dad says, sitting next to me at the table. The truth is, I was trying to impress someone, but it wasn't a man. Wait no I'm not, I'm totally straight, and I'm just wearing this for fun, right?

"Just wanted to look good today, daddy." Truth is, I hated calling him daddy, but when I started calling him just dad when I was eight, apparently I was "growing up too fast" and I got yelled at for it.


I sit down in my seat in first period, and sit on a push pin. I stand back up with a squeal, and a group of girls across the room start high fiving each other and laughing.

I look back and see Rep, Midnights, 1989, and some of the seniors looking at me. I look at them, trying to hold back the tears in my eyes.

Every day, these girls play pranks on me and bully me.

I start breathing heavily, and at this point, the whole class is laughing and staring at me. I can't hold back my tears anymore and run out of the classroom.

I slam myself into the bathroom and cry in a stall. I hold my head in my hands as I hiccup through my tears.

The door to the bathroom opens, and I hold my mouth so whoever walks in can't hear me cry. I watch the bottom as I see black boots stop at my stall and knock on the door.

"Lover, can you open the door? I'm really sorry, I feel so bad." No Rep, I'm not opening the fucking door. You just embarrassed me in front of all my friends. I stay quiet, waiting for her to move on, but she just keeps talking.

"Just open the door, I'm really sorry." I know her friends are probably standing right outside of the door, waiting with cameras to film my splotchy face.

She stands there for three more minutes before I see her foot lift up and she kicks the door open. Damn it, I forgot she was so strong.

I just hide my face in my hands, but she comes and squats next to me, and wraps her arm around my neck.

"Look, I'm really sorry about my friends, they can be real bitches. How about we just stay here and skip this class?" Is she really being nice to me? She hugs me, just like she did at the party. She's so mean to me, but something about her comfort makes me feel at home.

She bends down and reaches for her bag, where I'm sure she's about to leave. Instead, she just grabs a bag of gummy worms and puts them in front of me. "I brought snacks."

I look up at her and smile. Her soft smile is so sweet, and it almost made me forget about all of the mean things.

We sit down on the bathroom floor together, eating random snacks from our bags. She makes some really funny jokes, and she seems really genuine.

My stomach does summersaults when she grabs my cheek gently and wipes the tear off of my cheek. Why am I like this? I want to be her, be with her, be friends with her, and be in her. WOAH! I'm straight, what was that?

"Staring much, sweetheart?" She says, a sly smirk on her face. I snap back into reality and realize I'm staring straight at her boobs. I quickly turn away and I can feel my face get hot and blush.

She laughs. "It's okay, I'm used to people wanting to see my boobs." Usually, this would sound really weird as something to be used to, but it makes sense. I did too. Like WOAH, they were beautiful. I did it again, didn't I?

"No, I'm straight, haha!" My voice starts to trail out at the end, like I'm unsure. "I think."

She gives me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "It's okay to not know, you don't have to know that yet." That felt good to know. "If you want, I can help you decide." She puts a hand on my thigh, and my heart starts beating so fast, you can probably hear it outside of the bathroom.

"I-Uh.." Yes. Please show me. "I don't really.."

I can't even finish talking before she sets me on her lap, kissing me. Real kisses, not just little pecks. She moves her lips down my neck, and starts biting down. It hurts, but it feels so good.

I small noise escapes from my mouth, but she covers it with her hand.

"We are in a public bathroom at school, love." Love? Oh my god I am losing my mind. As she keeps kissing my neck, I realize it's a lot different than my dreams.

She uses the hand that isn't over my mouth and starts moving it up my thigh. "Is this okay?" She asks, and I nod.

"A skirt, huh? Such easy access."

A GOOD thirty minutes later (sorry guys, I'm not writing any smut)

I hear the bell ring for our next class and jump off of Reps lap.

"In a hurry so soon?" She says, slight smile on her face.

"I'm gonna be late!" I exclaim, grabbing my bag. Rep starts wiping off her leg and stands up.

"Did- Did I do that?" I ask, and she nods, giggling. "I'm so sorry, I uh-"

She puts her finger over my lips. "It's no big deal, I promise, now go to your class, you don't want to be late, do you?" As soon as her finger touches my lips, I start blushing again. "Look, your face is already red, you don't need to be blushing."

She stands up and kisses me on the lips before walking out of the bathroom, leaving me standing there.


After School

"Come on, pick up the phone!" I yell.

And on that command, my best friend picks up the phone. "Hey lover, what's going on?"

"Oh hey Lorrie!(folklore's nickname) I have some CRAZY stuff to tell you about!

I sit down on my bed and start telling her about my crazy day in the bathroom.

1138 Words

Sorry I haven't been posting tweets as often, I'll post one tomorrow, I promise!

So I'm pretty new to all the Wattpad stuff, and sometimes people will put in the comments they got "robbed" what's that? People are saying that about the story I'm reading

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