first day back

200 11 41

Reps POV

I woke up to a warm hand brushing my bangs out of my face gently. My eyes fluttered open where Lover stood over me, placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"You ready for school?" She asked, her voice angelic.

"I no no wanna." I puched my head further into the pillow groaning. I've been staying at Lover's house this week. I didn't want to have to deal with my dad, and Lover was more than happy to share her bed.

She just picked my chest up, making me sit up. "Yeah, but if you don't get your grades up, you can't graduate and go to college." I sighed. Over the week, we talked a lot about the future and what we want. I think a near death experience makes you question your future a lot.

I want to go to a college about as far away from here as I can. the goal is to go to pediatric psychology, so I can help kids not feel the way I did growing up. Me and Lover will have to be long distance, but we can make it work.

I stood up from the bed, rubbing my eyes to get used to the bright lights above me. I grabbed a jean skirt Lover had in her closet, along with a sweatshirt. It was pink, and not exactly my style, but I didn't bring any clothes with me.

"Love the outfit. You should wear pink more often." Lover smirked as she played with my hair, tying it into a braid.

"Never again." I replied under my breath.

When we got to school, people were talking. Being gone for almost a month makes people start to question where you went.

Midnights and Nine meet up with me and Lover in homeroom, along with a girl I don't know. She was wearing an orange halter top and ripped jeans.

"Rep! Missed you." Midnights says, patting me on the back.

"Who's this bitch? You replacing me already?" I looked the new girl up and down. She looked similar to me, the same eye color and features. Her hair was lighter, but was obviously not natural.

The girl put her hand out with a smile. "I'm Karma. Usually I go by K though. Nice to meet you." I take her hand reluctantly. "We look really similar, haha! My natural hair looks like yours."

I didn't like the idea that they were replacing me. I knew they weren't but it's always been us three as a trio. (plus lover, but that doesn't really count.) The idea that they added some new girl into our group the second I was gone pissed me off.

I walked away from them and sat down in my seat. I was hoping to just get through the day, then go back to Lover's house and do nothing. Laying in bed is all I wanted to do.

Although I guess God decided to make this a lot harder. "Welcome back Rep! We missed you! I hope your doing better after everything." The teacher says, way too gleefully. She just had to tell the entire class? At least she didn't tell them what happened.

"Thanks." I say under my breath.

She doesn't move on though. "Remember, the counsellor is always available if you need to talk to anyone." Now the whole class is staring at me, trying to figure out what trauma I went through.

I slam my head into the desk in front of me, and a girl next to me leans over. "Where were you? I kinda missed your annoying comebacks to the teachers." Her curly hair bounces when she talks, and it's distracting. I want to rip her country accent out of her throat.

"Trying to kill myself." I mean it was going to get out to the whole school anyway. It was a little louder than intended and about half of the class heard me.

"Oh! Well, I'm sorry. Sending condolences? No.. that's when someone dies. Anyway, I have an extra waffle in my bag if you want it!" Can she shut up already? I ignore her, rolling my eyes as I look in front of me.

Today was going to be hell.

I sat in my seat, staring blankly at the clock on the wall, watching as each second ticked by at an aggravating pace. My teacher's voice droned on in the background, something about economics.

I couldn't focus on the lesson, just staring at either the wall, my desk, or Lover in front of me, who was very focused, taking notes and participating in answering questions. I'd just get the answers from her. She doesn't say no to me any more, she feels too bad.

I tapped my pen against the desk, the sound offering a small distraction from the world. It felt like an eternity had passed, but when I looked at the clock, it was the same time. So I started clicking my pen.

There was a tap on my shoulder from behind me, where Karma was sitting, an annoyed look on her face. 

"Can you stop clicking your pen? It's getting on my nerves." She growled.

"No." Is all I said before I turned back around, making sure to click my pen even louder and faster. She never actually did anything to get on my nerves, but something about her was just so annoying. She was too similar to me, and her face looked so punchable. 

The rest of the day, i daydreamed about beating the shit out of her.

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