Definitely not dead

335 11 15

As always.. TW

Lovers POV

"Lover?" I could feel my shoulders relax when she opened her eyes. "I- What? Why are-" She starts to talk again, but I interrupt her with a hug.

"How many fucking pills did you take?" I grab one of the empty bottles and toss it at her. When she doesn't have an answer and just looks down, I know I have to take matters into my own hands.

I grab her and put my hand down her throat to start her gag reflex. I hold my hand in her mouth until she throws up a bunch of pills.

"Is that all of them?"

She shakes her head no and I put my hand down her throat again.

After about five minutes of her throwing up on herself, the bathtub that was recently empty is flooded with probably a hundred pills. She just sits on the floor with her head in her hands and cries. I sit down next to her and wrap my arms around her in a warm embrace.

"Lover you were supposed to just leave me. You aren't supposed to be here." For someone that was unconscious ten minutes ago, she's super ungrateful.

"You would've died! You can't just take that many pills! Why did you even do something like that?"

"Dying was the whole point. Have you ever heard of suicide?" She rolls her eyes and stands up. She starts to walk away, but turns around to look at me. "I'm not up for tutoring today, might as well head home now."

She was just- walking out of the room? She can't just leave after saying that, that's not how this works.

"No, you are going to sit next to me and talk to me." Wait maybe she doesn't want to talk. "Or just sit here with me. But I'm not leaving you alone." Damn, she just was trying to kill herself and was crying, but she still looks so hot. Wait this is not the time to be thinking about that.

With a sigh, she sits down on her bed, and I sit next to her. I don't expect her to do or say anything, but she gives me a giant hug and starts sobbing again.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry you got dragged into this you don't even like me and now you had to watch me almost die and I'm just so so sorry-" Wait, she's apologizing to me? Get your priorities straight, I am not important right now. When she keeps apologizing, I do the one thing I know that will shut her up, and grab her face and put our lips together.

It feels so wrong to do that when she's this vulnerable, but I didn't know what else to do.

"Wait- multiple things to debrief after that." She says, slightly smiling when she finally pulls our lips away. "First of all, I literally slept with you and then told you it wasn't important? I've now learned from our friends I took away your innocence, and I hate that it had to be that way. Why would you still kiss me after that? Also I slept with our teacher? Isn't that kind of a red flag? And also, I thought you were straight."

"So I'm not allowed to ask questions about- that.. but you can ask why I kissed you? This conversation has gone far from where it needs to be.

"Okay so if I talk to you about my problems, you'll answer my questions?" I let out a small laugh at the silliness of this.

I give her a nod, and she drops her smile quickly and looks down when she starts to talk. She then rolls up her sleeves to show me the many, many scars and cuts across her arms. "I started when I was twelve, never stopped. My dad hits me, and everyone thinks I'm a bitch, but if I'm nice they'll just walk all over me. And I didn't sleep with our teacher like everyone thinks, he just took advantage of me. And I didn't even stop him! God I'm so stupid, why'd you keep me alive?"

I just stare at her speechless. I know I asked her to tell me, but that's a lot to take in. Do I comfort her? Get mad for not telling me? Just say sorry? I don't really know, but I never would've expected it. She seems so.. fine at school. So normal.

"It's fine, you don't have to say anything. Now why did you kiss me?" She starts smiling again, which sort of scares me because she was just so serious.

"I'm not really sure, but I think I have a crush on you? I don't really know, I thought I wasn't.. you know.. into girls. But then I see your face and I get some very inappropriate thoughts." She giggles before kissing me again.

The kiss is gentle, almost like our lips are just holding hands. But then we kiss again, but this time, hungry. We don't do anything other than kiss, but it's almost more serious then anything else we've done.

After making out for who knows how long, she pulls away, leaving me longing for more. "Lover, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I- I would love to, but your in a vulnerable spot right now, and I don't want to take advantage of that."

"Screw that. I'll kiss you again if you say yes."

That's all I needed to be convinced.


The next day, 1989s POV

Today at school, Rep won't answer any questions on why she missed one of the biggest tests of the year. But she's in a good mood, so we don't stay on that conversation long.

"The cookies the cafeteria gave out today are so good!" Rep hands me a cookie. "I stole an extra, don't tell anyone." She smiles at me and gives me the cookie. I knew I had to eat it or she was going to force it in my mouth, so I just put it in and chewed it slowly. It was really good.

After I ate the whole cookie, she gives me a fist bump and a smile. I don't think I've seen her smile this much since she stole that little kids popcorn and there was extra butter in it.

"Is there any cookies in my teeth? Do you still have that tiny mirror you always get out?" Rep looks at lover with an aggravating face.

"Nope. Someone stole it."

"Lover? Since when are you friends with her?" We all look over at her desk, where she is sitting. I think she notices us staring because she looks at us.

"What did I do?"

Rep looks her straight in the eyes. "Steal my makeup compact."

"I did not steal it! I took it so that you couldn't c-"

And then Rep drags her out of the room and starts yelling at her outside. I have no idea what they are talking about, but Lover ends up giving her the mirror back, but taking something out of it first.

She walks back in. "It's a little broken, but you can borrow it!" She grins at me and sits back down. Lover just stares at her with a disappointed look on her face the whole day.

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