its nice to have a friend

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as requested...

1989s POV

I'm actually really good at writing realistic parts for nine guys! 

also TW

Me, Lover, Rep, and Midnights were all having a sleepover at my house to try to cheer up Rep. Midnights was able to slowly get her to open up a little more, and she's not as upset.

We were playing monopoly, which I was very much losing. 

"YES! Pass over the money Nine!" Rep threw her hands in the air before putting her hand out confidently. I rolled my eyes and handed her two hundred dollars.

Rep was happy, so we all were just doing what she wanted. Well she was happy until she landed on "Go to Jail."

"FUCK YOU!" She threw her card down dramatically before placing her character on jail. She scoffed and leaned back onto Lover with her arms crossed.

Lover patted her head. "Reppy, it's just until you roll doubles. Your winning by a lot right now anyway." We were planning on letting her win, but we didn't even get the chance. Rep was just freakishly good at any sort of board game." Rep gave Lover a face of pout, but sat quietly. "You guys want to order pizza?"

Both Midnights and Rep nodded, so I didn't have to even answer before Lover opened up her phone to order it. I could basically taste the grease on my mouth from thinking about the pizza, making me feel nauseous.

"While your ordering that, I'm going to head to the bathroom." I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and sat down against the wall. I was shaking in my legs when sliding my body down. My head was throbbing, and felt like my brain was spinning inside my head.

I felt sick to my stomach, almost like I could feel my stomach starting to curl up inside of itself. It made me nauseous, but I wasn't able to throw anything up, so I just sat there, waiting for it to pass.

I grabbed a cup that was sitting on the corner of my sink and filled it up with water. I drank the entire cup, filling the hole in my stomach. Tomorrow I could eat though, that way I wouldn't get weak and pass out. Then It would be this whole thing and people would make me eat and ugh.

With a smile on my face, I wiped the water off my face and walked back out. "Food will be here in about thirty." I passed Lover a thumbs up and sat back down on the couch.

"I'm going to go get some ibuprofen, my head is killing me." I said, walking towards the cabinet in the kitchen where we kept all of the medicine.

Opening the cabinet, I looked around. There were a lot of different medications for different things. Cold medicine, painkillers, my mom's anxiety pills, and there! Ibuprofen. 

I grabbed two of them and swallowed them,  feeling it fall into my stomach. I knew it wouldn't do much on an empty stomach, but it was worth a shot. 

When I turned around, Lover and Midnights were counting their money and Rep was watching me, and was looking like she was counting something? Not too sure what that was about.

I sat down, and we just sat there in silence. Rep ended up breaking it. "Okay, when are you two going to admit you feel the sexual tension and just like fuck each other already?" Midnights choked on air at the comment, and I could feel my cheeks grow red.

"I don't- I-" I really wasn't sure what to say, stumbling over my words.

"I mean I'll admit it I guess. I mean I've been eye fucking you all day, if you hadn't noticed." WHAT? Did she just say that to me? What does one say to that? I think I looked pretty startled. "That came out wrong. I don't just want to fuck you, you know. I like you." She laughed slightly, and I heard the shake in her voice. She was obviously nervous, but was handling it a lot better than me.

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