bigger than the whole sky

220 14 56

drum roll.......


Lover's POV

I woke up to the other side of the couch cold. Me and Rep had gone to sleep on Nine's couch together, but she wasn't there any more.

Midnights and 1989 were still sleeping. They were on separate couches, but they were holding hands. Finally they came to their senses.

Standing up from the couch, I looked around for Rep. She must have went to the bathroom or something. I didn't feel her come out of my arms.

I walked upstairs, looking for her and whispering her name. I couldn't find her, and I was worried. Did she leave without telling me? She was supposed to be my ride home.

When I came backstairs, Nine and Midnights were already awake. "What are you looking for Lover?" Midnights says, rubbing her eyes.

"Rep. Did she leave?" I asked, sitting back down on the couch.

Nine shook her head when she sat up. She popped her fingers. "I didn't see her leave. She was in the kitchen last night looking for medicine. Maybe she just felt sick and left?"

That makes sense. Knowing Rep, she wouldn't tell me if she was sick, because then I'd try to baby her, and she hates when I do that. Feeling more relaxed after that, I dropped my shoulders.

"Want me to make pancakes? I can make those cool ones with the shapes!" I said. I found a tutorial on TikTok last week, and spent the entire evening learning how to do it. Might as well up it to use.

Midnights nodded. "Please! I'm starving!" I pushed myself up from the couch, stretching my arms. I was very awake after stressing about Rep, so I skipped my usual schedule of laying and complaining about waking up.

I hummed the lyrics to one of the songs I wrote while walking to the kitchen. My feet walked one in front of the other, I was counting my steps. Which Rep taught me last week most people don't do? Still confused on that.

I went into the pantry, and Midnights and Nine were following behind me. I found some food coloring to make the pancakes look cool, when I heard Nine behind me.

"Hey Lover?" Her voice shook slightly. I turned around, to see her holding a piece of paper. "You.. uh- might want to read this." She handed me a paper, where I recognized the handwriting."

My hands shook while reading it

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My hands shook while reading it. The paper had stains of blood, along with what seemed to be tears. They only arrived after they left my eyes, though.

"Where the hell is she?" I yelled. I threw the paper down and started running towards the door. She couldn't have gone too far, right?

I opened the door and started screaming her name. I didn't have the single clue where to go. 

Nine and Midnights started calling after me, wondering where I was going. I didn't have time to answer them. If I'm thinking correctly, I might already be too late.

One foot after another, I ran. I ran, screaming her name as loud as I could. People gave me looks, but none of it mattered. 

My legs started to give out, stumbling as I ran. But I wasn't going to stop until I found her.

After what seemed like forever, I was about to either pass out, throw up, or all of the above. But then I heard sirens. I saw the red and blue lights coming from the woods behind the school. The ones with the lake I told Rep I go to every summer. 

When I got to the scene, I tried to run towards it, just to get a glimpse. I had to know if that was Rep and if she was okay. I felt hands wrap around me, and a police officer started talking. 

"Ma'am, this is a crime scene. We can't let you any closer." A scruffy voice said.

I had to tell him. This was my girlfriend, she wasn't okay, and I needed to see her. But every time I talked, the tears just started again. I couldn't get a single word out, and I just fell to the ground.

What do I even do? What if she's gone? I let her leave. I should have felt her leave my arms. I didn't hear the door opening. 

A younger woman, who was also I'm a police outfit kneeled down next to me and put her arm on my shoulder. "Hi sweetie, I'm Jenna, I work here for the police station right down the road. Could you try to talk to me?" She asked, her voice soft. "Do you know the girl who was involved in this?" She showed me a picture of a girl. My heart dropped when I saw Rep, her blonde hair covering about half of her face.

I nodded. "Is she okay?"

"Well, she's on her way to the hospital now. It seems it may have been a suicide attempt, but we are still trying to get all of the info. How do you know her?"

I hiccuped, trying to get my words out of my mouth. "Gi- She's my girlfriend."

The woman nodded and rubbed my back. "Want to call your parents to drive you up to the hospital?" 

I pulled out my phone and dialed my moms number. 

-nine hours later-

"Is she okay?" I was done with this annoying shit. She got out of surgery an hour ago, and nobody will tell me a damn thing.

The man in front of the computer scoffed. This was my third time asking for help, but I wasn't going to stop until I dot answers. "I don't have new information on Reputation right now. I'll let you know as soon as I do." 

I slammed my foot on the ground and walked back to my seat angrily. I was pissed. They won't tell me a thing about my girlfriend!

After what felt like forever, another man with grey hair walked out. "Who was here for Reputation?" He asked. I threw my body into the air and ran to him.

"So, she's alive right now, but she's not doing too well. After she overdosed, the medicine had time to effect her internal organs, including her neurological system. She's in a coma right now, but there's about a forty five percent chance of survival with her condition. We'll keep you updated." He said it like it was nothing. She might.. actually die? I stopped in my tracks when I reached the room Rep was in. She looked peaceful. Her body was gently moving with her breath. There were machines attached to every part of her body.

"Please stay with me, Rep. I can't lose you." I whispered in her ear.

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