Extra Credit?

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I'm excited to announce...

TW!! Although this one is slightly different, so if it starts to make you uneasy, I would skip Reps part.

The start of this chapter is from REPS POV

My arm stung as I woke up. It didn't help when I tripped and fell off my bed, hitting my wrist on my dresser.

Sitting on my dresser is a note from my dad.

"Luckily for you, I left for work early. By Monday, you better have better grades. Or else."


I've been trying to get my grades up, but there isn't really much I can do. My teachers aren't known for being the most reasonable about that kind of stuff. But I guess I can try.

I go downstairs and pack my backpack, but skip my lunchbox. I throw away the piece of toast I made for myself after seeing the calories on the butter. Shit, I can't start this again. Whatever.


The bell rings for lunch, but instead, I go see Mr. Warren. I'm just going to see if there's anything I can do to raise my grade. Maybe he'll understand.

I knock on the door before walking in. He's sitting at his desk on his phone, eating what seems to be a bowl of pasta.

"Well good afternoon Reputation, what brings you in today?" He says, standing up.

"I actually just wanted to have a talk with you about my grades."

He nods and points at a chair by his desk. I sit down and he rolls his chair next to mine.

I pull out a paper with a list of all the tests I've failed, assignments I've missed, and other things that have brought my grade down.

He looks over it, and sighs. "There isn't much I can do about that. I really think your a good student, but you can't miss this many days."

The smile on my face drops, and my mind starts worrying. What am I going to do now? My dad is going to beat the living hell out of me. "Are you sure there's no like extra credit assignments I can do?"

A slight smirk appears on his face as he scoots his chair even closer. I can smell his cologne. "Well there is one." His hand rubs against my thigh.

"I really don't-" I start to stand up, and my breathing starts to speed up. Is my teacher trying to fucking hit on me? I start to walk to the door, which I realize is now locked.

"But it'll really help your grade sweetie." He walks up to me and pins my wrists against the wall. Between the fresh cuts on my wrist and his tight grip, I wince from the pain. "And it's not optional."

His grip tightens as he starts to reach under my skirt. I squirm and try to get out of his grip, but I can't. I'm helpless.

I start to yell, but he just pushes me harder against the wall, at this point, my wrists are starting to draw blood.

"Your just making it worse sweetheart." Oh my god. I'm seriously going to die here. I'm going to get fucking raped and killed.

I try to avoid eye contact as one of his hands start to pull down my skirt.


Lovers POV

Midnights and 1989 are cornering me in the locker room.

"Did you really go cry to the teacher about us bullying you? So pathetic." Midnights scoffs and gives me a slight push, making me stumble back.

1989 grabs my chin and turns my head sideways. "What's this?" she traces her cold finger around the hickey I got from yesterday. I covered it up, but the heat made the makeup smear off. "Who would do this to someone like you?" Someone like me? What's wrong with me?

I stutter, trying to find a word to say. "She said who gave you this?" Midnights says, stepping closer. "Answer our fucking question."

Do I tell them that Rep did it? She would surely get mad if I said that. Instead I just start to cry.

"Stupid crybaby, can't even say anything before you start to cry. Your going to regret not telling us." 1989 says as her and Midnights walk off. I just cry in the locker room for the rest of lunch.


Later that day, around Six PM.

I knock on Rep's door, who I have a tutoring session with. I don't really want to work with her, especially since everything is so weird after what happened in the bathroom.

I hear a bunch of noise, along with her cursing loudly before she opens the door. Her face is red, almost like she'd been crying. "Again? I thought it was tomorrow." She sounds angry.

"I don't want to be here either." I snarl and roll my eyes.

She does a slight laugh. "Your cute when your mad." She says. She just called me cute. Oh my god. I'm going to explode. My face turns red and I look down to hide the blush. She does this with everyone, your not special. She'd never want a girl like me.

I pull out a paper from Mr. Warren's class. "This is your worst class, so lets focus on it today."

Usually she complains, but instead she just stares down at the paper. "I raised my grade in that class. I have an A."

An A? She had an F yesterday. How'd she do that? I offer my hand out for a high five. "I'm so proud of you! How'd you do it?"

"I uh.. We had a meeting at lunch." She looks down, obviously embarrassed by the answer. Maybe I'm just rushing to conclusions, but did she hook up with the teacher?

I give her a slight look of suspicion. "Did you guys.."

I get cut off. "Well lets start this homework!" She says, now smiling. Even though she doesn't reply, I know the answer. Wow, that's low. Getting with the teacher to raise your grade is not a smart idea.

She tries to avoid the topic for the rest of the session, but I think she knows I'm slightly uncomfortable. She got with me and the teacher in less than 24 hours. I guess the bathroom meant nothing to her.

"Look, if your uneasy about yesterday, it really doesn't mean anything. Just forget about it." That kind of hurt. I really started to think she liked me. I mean she's never nice to anyone. I guess I just fell for her game. Why was I so naive?

1056 Words

Poor reppy :( am I writing often enough? I'm new to this, lol.

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