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I watched Shanaya disappear into the washroom, feeling a pang of guilt. I knew my words might have hurt her, but I couldn't keep it inside anymore. One day, I had to tell her about my first love I smiled unknowingly, thinking about how far we'd come. From strangers to...whatever this was.

The sound of the washroom door opening broke my reverie. Shanaya emerged, her eyes searching for mine. I held her gaze, trying to read her emotions. Was she hurt? Angry? Or something else?

I glanced at my watch, feeling a sense of excitement and nervousness. "Shanaya, we have a flight to Paris in 1 hour. Please get ready," I said, trying to sound calm.

She didn't say anything, just nodded her head slightly, her eyes fixed on some point beyond me. I couldn't read her expression, but I sensed a mix of emotions swirling inside her.

I knew I had dropped a bombshell on her with my confession, and now she was processing it. I gave her space, not wanting to push her further.

"Take your time," I added softly, turning to pack my own bags.

As I zipped up my luggage, I couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind. Was she thinking about my first love? About our contract marriage? About us?

The silence between us was palpable, but I didn't try to fill it. Sometimes, words only get in the way.

With our bags packed, we headed out, bound for the city of love. Little did we know, our journey was only just beginning…


As we landed in Paris, the City of Love, I couldn't help but feel a sense of irony. The silence between us was deafening, a stark contrast to the romantic atmosphere that surrounded us.

We headed to our hotel room, the tension between us palpable. The whole flight, we hadn't exchanged a single word. It was as if we were two strangers sharing a seat, not husband and wife.

As we entered the luxurious room, Shanaya dropped her bag on the floor and walked over to the window, gazing out at the Eiffel Tower. I could sense her emotions, a mix of anger, hurt, and confusion.

I knew I had to break the silence, but what could I say? That I was sorry? That I loved her? No, not yet. I needed to give her space, to let her process her emotions.

I walked over to the mini-bar, pouring myself a glass of whiskey. The silence was suffocating, but I knew it was necessary. We both needed time to think, to reflect on our journey so far.

As I sipped my drink, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held. Would we ever find our way back to each other? Or would the secrets and lies tear us apart?

The sound of the window closing broke the silence. Shanaya turned to face me, her eyes searching for answers. I met her gaze, but said nothing. Sometimes, words only get in the way.

She turned her back to me again, her gaze drifting back to the stars twinkling above the City of Love. I could sense her emotions, a mix of sadness, longing, and uncertainty.

I walked over to her, standing beside her, but not touching. We both gazed out at the night sky, the silence between us a heavy blanket.

The stars shone brightly, like diamonds scattered across the velvet expanse. I felt small, insignificant, in the face of such beauty.

The silence got broke when Shanaya spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "What was her name?"

I felt a pang in my chest, knowing exactly who she was referring to. My first love, the one I had confessed to Shanaya about earlier.

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