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                    Sometimes the person you don't notice becomes the one you need the most.
From the movie ( Love and the other drug )

Jiyoon ran as fast as she could. As soon as she ran out of the radio studio, a horde of bloodthirsty monsters chased after her. Yoon had never been an athletic personality type, running was not her strong point, but now, with adrenaline in her blood and her survival instinct, she was finally able to break away from them. Having reached the stairs, the girl was about to go down, when she heard a cry for help.

-No! Please help!
Holding onto the railing, she couldn't decide whether to save herself or help the guy.
- Someone, help!
"It could have been Jungeun in his place" - with this thought, Jiyoon turned around and rushed towards where the cry for help was coming from. Finding herself at a short distance, she saw how the guy, cornered by a chair, was fighting off six zombies. Noticing a fire extinguisher on the wall and realizing that she needed to act very quickly, Jiyoon grabbed a red cylinder and headed towards her target.
- Hey you, come here, I'll treat you to nitrogen! - Having screamed, she saw how some of them, growling, pounced on her. Raising the fire extinguisher to chest level, the girl said:
- Choke And pressing the lever, she sprayed white powder at each attacking monster.
- Run from there! - Having shouted at the guy, Jiyoon continued to fight back. But she noticed how the guy, having gone around her, tried to escape.
- You will not leave me! - Still spraying powder, Yoon shouted
- I'm sorry - with an apology, he ran away and, turning the corner, disappeared from Jiyoon's sight.
- Damn coward!
Realizing that there was very little powder left, Yoon, having hit the last zombie with a canister, rushed away from this blind spot. All in white lime, Jiyun ran after the guy. And turning the very corner where he disappeared, she saw a terrible scene in front of her. The same horde that was chasing her was tearing off pieces of living flesh from his body. Hearing this heartbreaking cry, the girl could not hold back a lonely tear that rolled down her face. Seeing how the guy's stomach was torn apart before her eyes, how his left arm was torn out with inhuman force, how his previously frightened but alive gaze stared at her, now with frozen horror in his eyes. Stumbling and unable to look at this scene any longer, Jiyoon rushed in the opposite direction from the monsters. Entering the first door she came across, which turned out to be the entrance to the restroom, and realizing that she was alone, the girl, sobbing, rolled down the tiled wall. Having seen so many terrible deaths, Yoon felt a panic attack take hold of her. With rapid breathing, closing her eyes, Jiyoon tried to remember the voice of Jungeun, who was always there at such moments. How the younger one, taking her hands, helped her overcome panic, how gently stroking her head, quietly hummed her favorite melody. But no matter how hard she tried, terrible scenes of Jungeun's death arose in her head, how the younger one could have appeared instead of this guy. Yoon had always considered Choi her soulmate, and even the thought of losing her terrified the girl. In a state of panic, she heard the front door open, footsteps hurried toward her, unfamiliar voices, and a hand on her forearm. Sharply opening her eyes, she saw her peer in front of her.

-Hey, look at me, you're safe, just breathe
-What's wrong with her?
-She's having a panic attack
-Maybe that's how she turns into a zombie
-Shut up, fatso Seeing the girl's panic growing with each passing minute, the stranger turned around and shouted,
-Everyone shut up!
-But Koko unnie
-Saebi please
Turning around again, she continued
-Repeat after me, inhale...exhale, inhale...exhale
After a while, noticing that the girl was calming down, Koko said:
-That's it, good job Finally, clearly hearing the soothing voice, Yoon could see clearly. In front of her sat a girl she didn't know, with bangs that reminded her of Jungeun.
-Are you feeling better? -She asked softly
Nodding her head, Jiyoon tried to get to her feet, but swayed slightly, and felt a hand that kept her from falling.
- Be careful, don't rush Moving away from the girl, she looked at the others. Two guys and two girls were looking at her with interest.
- Were you bitten by any chance?
- Don't worry, even if she was bitten, I will save all of us by sacrificing your fat belly
- Stop insulting me like that Yuju
- Come on, Miseong, I'm just kidding - hugging the guy by the shoulders and slapping him on the stomach, Yuju said mischievously Staring at the couple in bewilderment, Yoon heard a voice that brought her out of her panic.
- Even in such a situation, you can't be serious - the tall one said with a grin and looking at her, asked:
- What's your name?
- Yoon Jiyoon
- I'm Narai Koko, and this is Park Miseong , Kang Taehyung, Nam Yuju, and Jung Saebi- Narai said, pointing to the others
- Thank you for helping me - Yoon said, turning to Koko
- No problem - the girl answered with a weak smile
- Why are you alone? - Saebi asked and possessively took the Japanese girl by the hand, pulling her towards herself.
- I'm looking for someone
- A guy? ... oh Yuju, for what! - Miseong hissed, clutching the back of his head - Kamara slapped Suddenly hearing growls behind the door, Taehyung, who had been silent until then, quietly spoke:
- I think we're making too much noise In a silent agreement, everyone, sitting in the corners, gave themselves time to catch their breath.

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