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Emma tried to jump but the frame of the window fell in a blink making Emma to step back.

"Move, move, try to come out from the other side. We are trying to break the main door ,go"one of the men shouted and Emma frantically started to search the way.

The air was  thick with acrid smoke, suffocating , stinging Emma's eyes. The once-familiar walls were now obscured by a swirling haze of grey and black, reducing visibility to mere feet. Flickering shadows dlanced wildly across the room as the fire devoured everything in its path with a relentless crackling roar.

The heat was oppressive, radiating from the flames that licked up the walls and crawled across the ceiling like a living entity. The furniture, once a comforting presence, was now reduced to smoldering husks.

The air was then filled with the pungent smell of burning fabric, wood, and plastic, a toxic cocktail that made  every breath a struggle for Emma. The floor beneath her feet was so hot, that she could feel the skin of her feet burning.

Amid all the chaos, the smoke alarm's incessant beeping was then barely audible over the roar of the flames, its shrill tone felt like a distant, desperate plea.  The now blackish walls were trapping Emma inside a world that had become a hellish nightmare.

Her heart raced  as she frantically searches for a way out, every instinct screaming at her to flee. The door, her potential escape was engulfed in flames, the doorknob was glowing ominously, too hot to touch. She started to find something to hold the knob but there was nothing left more than ashes.

Panic rose within her as she felt  the fire's relentless approach, its heat searing against her skin.

Desperation took hold as she heard the constant hits on the door. She was so eager to run out from the hell house that she made a big mistake...

She rushed towards the door which fell soon due to the force from outside but as she was very close, it fell ...on HER.

She let out a death scream.. Her panicked shouts turned into the painful cries as the abazed wood sticked to her soft skin burning out it completely. The smell of the ignited flesh of her made her sick. She didn't remember what happened after that worst  and the most painful two minutes of her life that didn't change only her face but her whole life.

She was rescued and was administered to the hospital. Her family came as soon as they knew. They stayed with her day and night. It took whole 3 months to recover.
The skin grafting was done on her face but it never became like before.

It hurt Emma but what hurt her more was his boyfriend never came to visit her. Never.

As soon as she discharged in spite of her parents strict denial, Emma went to his home again.. Her father was so mad that he broke all the strings with her ,then and there .

Emma was still stupidly hopeful for her relationship. She kept giving herself false hopes and excuses.

When she knocked the door it didn't open at first. So she kept knocking, her boyfriend opened the door looking clearly annoyed and busy in something.

He gasped when he saw Emma's burnt face.

"You scared me you w*ore! Why are you here?" He spat and Emma could swore it would had been better if she had left him in the house to die.

A younger girl who came in the shortest clothes possible, started to cling her boyfriend until she noticed Emma.

She let out a scream and Emma's ex , pushed Emma away.

"Go away you bi*ch, you are scaring my girl." He  yelled and closed the door.

Emma felt her whole world crashed infront of her eyes. May be it was not there ever , the house, the relationship she thought was hers, was mere hallucination. Imagination..A day dream...

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