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Two days later

The whole school started to gossip as Phuwin arrived at the school....everyone was looking at him weirdly....but while totally ignoring everything he went to his class but in no time a staff came and told him to went to the principal office room.....he really didn't know what was happening...he just obediently went to the office and the principal immediately handed him a paper and told him that he couldn't participants the sports competition 2012

As soon as Phywin looked at the paper his heart stopped for a while

"Sir....what...did....I do?" he asked while shuttering

"WE ARE VERY DISAPPOINTED AT YOU PHUWIN!" the principal shouted madly

Heard him Phuwin got startled and he started to cry.....and suddenly the HR show him a video which was a girls nude's and it was got posting from Phuwin's soon as he saw the video he moved his eyes from it and again cried while trying to convince the teachers....he couldn't figure out how did it happened....he was feeling so scared as if his paa would know about it how he would be able to face him

"I already called your father....he is can go to the class we'll call you later

Heard that Phuwin left the room while crying and ran to the terrace....everyone in the school already knew about the video so he couldn't face anyone....he was feeling so nervous and scared....he didn't know how to make his paa and his friends believe in him


"Sir please try to son isn't that type of guy!" Gun said while crying

"But Mr.Atthaphan....the video clip leaked from Phuwin's phone" The principal said with a serious tone

"We didn't expect it from Phuwin!" the HR said with a mad tone

"Someone did a prank with him sir!" Gun again said while trying to convince the principal

"Mr.Atthaphan you can't blame at someone to defend your son....we know that Phuwin is a good guy but the clip leaked from his phone and....that girl whose nude got leaked is a student of our school!" the principal said with a little loudly

"We're sorry to say that....till the matter will solve and we can't get the real culprit Phuwin has to withdraw from every programme of our school including the sports competition!" The HR said with a calm tone

" could you kick him out from every programme....he's ACE of the school!" Gun asked impatiently

"Calm down have to understand that if we still let him participants in the will be an unfair decision.....we still don't know if he really did it or not!" the HR again said

"But what son didn't do was his last opportunity to take the don't understand sir how much the scholarship important for him!" Gun said while crying

"But you also have to understand the authorities policy....after seeing what happened we can't let him participants the competition will be a shame for our school!" The HR said while handing Gun a paper

"We hope you'll coporate with us....this is the suspension letter please sign on the guardian approval form!" the principal said and Gun couldn't help but silently signed on the paper and left from there while greeting the teachers


Phuwin pov

It was a day before the these days I came to school quietly and after finishing my classes I went back to my home....paa was mad at me....he wasn't talking to me though I tried a little but I was feeling so embarrassed to talk to him....I didn't know how to explain how I was these day Dunk also didn't talk to me though I wasn't mad at him for that as he might feel disgust about me and also he had the fare of being suspended from the competition

Only one person was talking to me was Fourth....he never judge me nor asked me if I really did it or not....I was so thankful to him...if he also ignored me I might be died in suffocated by now....he was trying to figure out who did it but I also couldn't understand who could do that...why someone would do this kind of things to me and also it was leaked from my id directly but I didn't give my password to anyone

Tomorrow the competition would held....I was feeling so heavy from's not like that I was just sad because I couldn't was because I was no longer able to won the scholarship and could treatment yiaa....I was sitting on my desk while thinking about those things and looking at my watch I noticed it was already evening so I slowly got up and left form the class and suddenly remembered that I had some of my stuffs in the swimming pool locker

It was the last competition and the last year of the school so it wasn't any necessary to kept the stuffs there and also as next day was the competition so I decided to go there and took the stuffs and...also said a best of luck to Dunk....

I went towards the changing room and was about to entered but suddenly stopped

"Hurray!!! last we abled to do it!" Ohm said with an excited tone

"Ohho puean kegg just nailed it!" Perth said

"Hey Dunk.....give us a big treat....we helped you to kick that poor Tangsakyuen out from the competition!" Ohm again said with sarcastic tone

"Yeah....absolutely though you were the one who brought his phone but we did the work and it was so exhausted!" Perth said

"Aaa aaa karai.....I'll treat you....after all for you guys....the one and only ACE left and it's me....of course I'll treat you!" Dunk said with a chuckled

Heard that suddenly the earth stopped around me....I couldn’t believe my own was.....D..un..k......I couldn’t move nor say anything but just standing there motionlessly and tears were rolling down from my eyes.....I believed him....I thought he might really change but it was his intention

"Hey let's go....and yeah I'm happy for you my puean also you don’t have to pretend to be his friend anymore!" Ohm said and they started coming out from the room and saw them I immediately moved away a little so that they couldn’t see me and after they left from there I sat there while crying

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