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Graduation day
Dunk pov

I woke up in the early morning and took a shower as it was my graduation day....yeah the annual exam ended a month ago and the whole school was going to meet again today after a month of winter vacation.....time flies like the exam time I didn't meet Softy as from the very first of our school life teacher didn't put the seat number of mine and his in the same room

I really didn't know how he managed to disappear for these days.....I got ready and dads took me to school....the school was full of students but unknowingly my eyes were looking for one person

"Oii....Dunk!" Ohm came and hit my shoulder

"Humm!" I humed

"'re already prepared for the entrance exam right?" he asked with a chuckled

I didn't reply just smiled at him.....after that Perth Joong Pond and Gemini came....we talked and after that teachers started to call us on the stage to take the graduation cap.....I went towards the stage while looking around as the teacher called me and Softy at the same time as we again scored the same like every time but he didn't come....I quietly walked on the stage and was taking the cap and suddenly my eyes fell on a figure who was standing far from the stage

It was Softy but why he didn't come to the stage.....I looked at him and it was feeling like he was talking to someone on the phone and he was looking a bit tense and suddenly a cab stopped in front of them and he immediately hopped into it with that two feet....I quickly took the cap and without saying anything I ran behind the car for a while but before I could reach it already left

And yeah.....that was the last time I saw him.....after so many days I saw him from far but I couldn't even talk to soon as the car left an unknown tears rolled down from my eyes and suddenly I felt ached in my heart and I mumbled softly while crying

"I wanted to say something but.....what I also didn't know that!"

Flash Back End
At present
Dunk pov

"I'm still hoping that maybe one day we'll meet again....yeah of course as strangers but with a lot of memories......"

My eyes opened with an alarm and while checking it I saw it was 7am in the morning....I got up went to the bathroom and took a long shower.....after that I went to the hospital and sat on my chair in the cabin....after that my secretary came and handed me the whole schedule and I started to work

As I was the only one surgeon of cardiac department so I had to a bunch of work and operation each many heart patients these days....everyone had a heart deases...yeah I had also but I didn't think that any cardiologist or cardio thoracic surgeon would be able to treatment my problem

In the evening I had two operations and after ten hours I came out to the operation theatre as both operations I did.....after coming out from OT I came to my cabin and it was already midnight....I took a shower from the bathroom and again sat on my chair and as soon as I sat suddenly my phone vibrated and I saw it was p'Jimmy

I took a shower from the bathroom and again sat on my chair and as soon as I sat suddenly my phone vibrated and I saw it was p'Jimmy

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