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"And for the fourth time again the winner of the Sports Competition Of 2012 is Harrows International High School......and the ACE of the Bangkok schools winner goes to Dunk Natachai Bonoprashat!" MC announced and everyone clapped along

"I would like to call Dunk Natachai Bonoprashat and his team on the stage to take the trophy....!" MC again announced

"Oh my god....I'm so proud of you my son!" New said while kissing Dunk's face serval times and Dunk was smiling but somehow he wasn’t feeling happy

"Come here....give dad a hug humm!" Tay said and hugged Dunk

"So proud of you’re Harrows pride!" the HR said and caressed Dunk's hair

"Khob khun teacher!" Dunk said with a soft tone

And after that he and his team went on the stage....though Fourth was also in their team but he didn’t go on the stage....he was just standing in a corner of the ceremony while clapping his hands and smiling bitterly as Phuwin already told him about Dunk and his friends plan

"You’re not going on the stage?" a figure came and heard him Fourth got startled and looked at his behind

"What are you doing here huh....go celebrate.....your bastar friend is receiving the trophy after ruined my friend's life.....go away!" Fourth said with a mocking tone and pushed Gemeni while trying to walked but Gemini held his wrist

"Aii....diao....I didn’t get you...what are...?"

" you're innocent right?" Fourth asked with a mad tone and looked at Gemini with a hateful eyes

"I really don’t know....what are you talking about?" Gemini asked with a confused tone

"Get out of my way already aii shaat!" heard him Fourth got mad and left from there while pushing Gemini harder

"Diaooo.....!" Gemini tried to stop Fourth but couldn’t

After everything had been finished Dunk went back to his home with his parents.....yeah after so many efforts he finally abled to won the Trophy all alone....he should be so happy but it seems like he wasn’t....somehow he was missing something

After knowing the truth that evening Phuwin didn’t come to school anymore....he got permitted to go to the exam only.....after knowing the truth suddenly Phuwin got changed....he was studying so hard....more than before.....he couldn’t forget how Dunk made him fool and betray him...he wanted to ask Dunk that why he did this to him but he couldn’t ask....suddenly he just wanted to graduate as soon as possible


"You don't have to worry baby.....just study hard!" Gun said while holding Phuwin's hand

"But paa....if we left from here how you'll able to open a new restaurant?" Phuwin asked with a worried tone

"Paa will do it na....don't worry naaa!" Gun said and hugged Phuwin tightly

But in his heart only he knew that how much it was hard for him....though Phuwin was also understanding but he believed his first Gun wasn’t talking to him after that incident but suddenly he noticed Phuwin was feeling so guilty and somehow he was also looking so depressed so he couldn’t mad at him anymore.....Phuwin didn’t tell Gun about what Dunk did to him....he was thinking that his dad was enough worried about his family

His house and restaurant were abandoned for so many years and now the owner wanted them to leave the place as soon as possible as Gun couldn’t pay the interest rates also he took so many loan from the bank to treatment his the money he earned from his restaurant....all got finished by pay the loan and Phuwin's study.....doctors also said that if his mother’s operation couldn’t happen in a while they wouldn’t be able to save Gun had to leave Bangkok with Phuwin and his mother

It was just two weeks left for Phuwin's annual exam but he couldn’t study.....he was worried about his family also he couldn’t focus on his study because he was still feeling so hurt because of Dunk's behaviour.....yes Dunk was his enemy but he trusted him....his feelings also had changed for Dunk and never thought that Dunk would be the person for whom he had to ashame in front the whole school, his father.....he naver thought that just to kicked Phuwin out from the competition Dunk being this much cheap

"Nai....listen to dad can help your paa na!" Fourth said as Phuwin told him that they were leaving Bangkok after their annual exam

" can we.....?"

"Hey....we are best friend Phu.....don't you dare to say like that.....remember no matter where you're going I'll also go with you!" Fourth said with a sulk tone

" you're not gonna let me go?" Phuwin asked with a chuckled and immediately Fourth nodded as no and Phuwin couldn’t help but smiled

"Okay listen to me now....I'll talk to paa about it okay....I'm sure he'll help you!" Fourth said while smiling and Phuwin nodded

Dunk pov

It’s been a long time since I last met Softy.....I's not that I missed was like suddenly he stopped to coming to school....even after that incident happened I never saw him looked at me madly....whenever I looked at him it was feeling like he wanted to talk to me but he didn’t even come to the final competition nor the trophy function day.....I didn’t even see his fean....I mean that two feet...his fean right

It was just ten day's left for our final exam but somehow I couldn’t study.....I didn’t know why but suddenly days became so boring.....nothing was like before....Joong and Pond were also mad at me as they found out I was the one for whom Softy got out from all opportunity in school.....I didn’t know what to do....I once hear 'everything is fair in love and war' then why I was feeling like this.....I didn’t do anything wrong right

Then why I was missing those days I spent with Softy....why I was that much to desperate to see him.....why I wanted to tell him the truth....why I wanted him to be my friend again.....why I couldn’t forget that kiss

"Dunk....son open the door!" paa called me and my thought broke and I quickly opened the door

"Alai paa...I'm studying....!" said that I was about to shut the door

" least meet me for once!" a voice rang on my ears and looking at the person I immediately hugged him

"Uncle Off.....!!" I said while hugging him tight

" you're happy huh?" dad said while caressing my hair

Uncle Off.....Off Jumpol fathers only sibling and my only best uncle....he was my first priority and I was his....sometimes I felt like I was actually his real son who lived in abroad so he let me lived with his brother but honestly I was biological son of Tay Tawan and New Thitipoom Bonoprashat.....yeah...uncle Off lived in USA....he had his own business there also an unknown rumours that he was a Mafia though I didn’t believe because he was the most lovely person I ever met

"When did you come?" I asked with an excited tone

" son is now proud of I not came huh.....I just came and came for you!" he said while hugging me

After that we sat in the living room and did so many chit chat....and while talking I learned that he came here for his business matter also

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