Episode 2: Prologue: After the wedding

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It's been six months since Eriola and I had our wedding. After our wedding day, we went spent 7 days in Paris, with our daughter Anya. After our honeymoon was over we came back home to Evergreen Valley. Now that six months have passed my wife gave birth to our son, two months ago. We named him after me, Holden Warren Sterling Jr. It is so nice to have our two children. Anya loves the new baby, and we couldn't be happier. Eriola decided to work from home, it's a good thing she has the boss that she does. Margaret allows her to to her designs from home.

We do have two nanny's still, but Eriola and I are more hands on parents. We will not allow the nanny's to raise our children. I returned back to work, my brothers and I. Now that the renovations are almost done on our Hotel, we will have the grand opening in another month. Alexander decided to open a tech company 4 months ago, called Sterling Quantum Technologies. His company has been thriving good.

Things are going well for us, and I hope it stays this way. I'm in my home office, rocking my son to sleep, when Alexander bursts in without warning. "Holden, I need some advice," he says urgently.

I turn to look at my son, then stand up and carry him over to the couch with me. "What's going on, little brother? Is everything okay?" I ask, gently rubbing my son's back to soothe him. He has trouble sleeping at night.

We take turns staying up with the baby so each one of us could get rest. Taking a deep breath, Alexander finally speaks: "It's Kaikora...we broke up last night because she said she never wants to get married or have kids."

My heart sank listening to this news, but I know I can't show my own feelings right now. "I'm sorry to hear that, Alex," I tell him in a comforting voice. "I know you guys were really close. If you need anything-"

Alexander interrupts me by shaking his head and wiping a tear from his eye. "No, it's okay. I just... I never pictured my life without her in it."

I pat him on the back, trying to console him. "I know it hurts now, but in time, you'll find someone else who will love you and want the same things you want," I assure him. Alexander gives me a weak smile before embracing me in a hug.

"Thanks, Holden. I don't know what I would do without you." He replied.

"We need a drink, man. What do you say?" I asked Alex, slumping into the couch next to him. He nodded his head in agreement, his usual spark dimming with sorrow. Finally, my son was asleep and I could take a breather. Together, we walked down the hall to the nursery. I gently laid Holden Jr. down in his crib and closed the door behind us, guiding Alex out of the room.

We trudge down the imposing staircase and into the kitchen where my bottles of liquor was sitting undisturbed. I reached down and pulled out the bottle of Hennessy, Pouring two generous shots, I hand one over to Alex who takes it gratefully.

I raise my glass and offer a toast to Alex, hoping for better days ahead. The shot of brown cognac burns as it travels down my throat, energizing my body with its fiery warmth. I lean against the cool granite countertop with my brother, memories of Eriola flood my mind - her wild black curls tumbling down her back, those rebellious purple eyes that challenged me to break boundaries I never thought possible.

And boy, did she make me break them. Even our son inherited those same striking purple eyes from his mother and sister. My thoughts wander to that night in our private playroom when she had begged me to claim her - her absolute surrender a drug that fed my dark desires. How I had painted her skin with marks of ownership, each whimper from her lips spurring me on.

I glance at Alex and see him lost in his own thoughts. I can't help but be grateful for Eriola's understanding of my... unconventional lifestyle. Only she knows how deep my darkness runs.

"Fuck it," Alex mutters under his breath as he pours himself another shot and downs it in one smooth motion. His face is twisted in pain and it takes all my self-control not to smash something at the sight of my younger sibling hurting.

Instead, I pour myself another shot of cognac and let its fire cut through my thoughts – thoughts dark enough to scare most but which Eriola embraces willingly. She's a rare creature, so fucking perfect for me. She's the only woman for me. I love my brown skin queen.

I throw back my shot, feeling the sting burn all the way down. "Alex," I start, my voice low and rough. "There's more to life than relationships and heartbreak, Little brother." I pat him on the shoulder, attempting to provide some comfort. "The right one will come along when you least expect it."

I glimpse a spark of optimism in his eyes. He still has the opportunity to find his soulmate. Just like Kaikora, he knows what he wants and it's children and a wife.

Alexander goes on and speak, "I am determined to find my soulmate and have the same kind of love that you and Eriola share. I long for a family, a devoted partner, the whole package. I crave genuine and lasting love."

I smile reassuringly at him, "You'll find her, Alex, don't worry. She's out there." I clap him on the back, trying to impart some of my confidence in his future. "After all, if a cold-hearted bastard like me can find love, then there's hope for anyone."

For a fleeting moment, I remember Eriola's words: "Your heart isn't as frozen as you believe it to be, Holden Warren Sterling. You just need the right person to melt the ice around it."

I chuckle to myself. Who would have thought I'd end up with a submissive wife. Life, indeed, works in mysterious ways. Alexander and I kept talking for a while longer, enjoying each other's company. We've always had a strong bond as brothers and things are going well in our lives.

"Alright little bro, I'm going to catch some sleep before HJ wakes up. But don't forget, we have a meeting at noon about the hotel. Do you want me to come to your office at the tech company?" I offer.

I looked at Alex, with a mix of concern and understanding. I could see the turmoil in Alex's eyes, the longing for something more, something meaningful.

Alex's voice held a hint of gratitude as he responded, "That would be wonderful, Holden. Once our hotel meeting is over, I would appreciate your input on a new project my team and I are tackling. Your perspective always brings a fresh outlook."

I nodded, a sense of pride swelling within me at the thought of helping my brother succeed. "I'll swing by your office around 11:30 then. We can go over the details before the meeting."

As we chatted, our conversation shifted to lighter topics - reminiscing about our childhood antics and shared memories. These were the moments I treasured most, when my brothers and I could just be ourselves and enjoy each other's company. Before saying goodbye for the day, I gave Alex one last pat on the back.

"Don't worry, Alex. Your soulmate is out there waiting for you. Just keep your heart open and trust that you'll find her."

A smile spread across Alex's face as his spirits lifted. We bid each other goodnight and I went upstairs to my bedroom with my wife. Stripping off my shirt and pants, I climbed into bed next to her and looked up at the ceiling. Despite any challenges or struggles we may face, I am grateful for the strong bond between me and my brothers, and the unexpected love that surrounds us all.

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