Episode 3: Alexander

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After talking to my oldest brother Holden, I feel more at ease. For now, at least. My heart still aches for Kaikora, the woman I thought I wanted to marry. But after our conversation, I realized that she wasn't on the same page as me. She didn't want marriage or children, and it devastated me. I couldn't see a future with someone who didn't want the same things as me - a wife and kids.

Yes, I used to be a player in my younger days, but now that I'm 35, stability is what I crave. Money isn't an issue for me, but whoever I choose to be my wife won't be required to work unless she chooses to. Sometimes, I struggle to understand what women really want. My brother Holden and his wife Eriola seem to have it all figured out - he even considers their her daughter Anya as his own child, something admirable for a man of his status.

That's what I want for myself too. But despite my current heartache, I refuse to give up on love just yet. Unlike many men, meaningless affairs and one-night stands are not my thing. Finally, after speaking to Holden, my mind is at peace and sleep comes easily tonight.

As I sit in my office the next morning, I review the documents for Zenith Innovations, a company owned by CEO Liana Zephyrwind. We've been acquainted for two years now, and she recently mentioned her desire to travel the world with her family. She no longer wants the burden of running a business. As the man I am, Alexander Levi Sterling, I made an offer to purchase her company for a whopping $25 million.

She accepted the buyout, satisfying both of our desires. I plan to discuss this opportunity with Holden and Nicholas when we meet. Checking the clock, I realize it's already 11:30am and my intercom activates. Seraphina, my secretary, speaks through the intercom, "Mr. Sterling, your brothers are here."

"Send them in, Seraphina. I have told you before to let my brothers enter without any issues," I remark sternly.

"Yes, Mr. Sterling," she replies before the intercom clicks off. Moments later, Holden and Nicholas walk in, looking successful as always.

"Hey, come on in and take a seat, why don't you? Why are you all just standing there? Come on, sit down!" I say, gesturing to the seats across from my desk.

"Alex, I hope this is important. We have hotel business to attend to. We don't have time for your technology-related problems," grumbles Nicholas, although his tone does not match his words.

"Nick, please stop complaining about everything. I know we need to focus on the hotel business. That's why you're here, right? Honestly, I'm fed up with your constant negativity. Holden was the one who suggested having the meeting in my office. If you were going to complain, you should have just stayed home. We all lead busy lives, Nick, but family always comes first." I snap back.

Nicholas rolls his eyes but stays seated. "Fine. Let's get this over with, then."

"Excellent, glad you both could be here. I have some good news and a possible business opportunity for us to consider," I say, smiling as I lean back in my chair.

"Well, spit it out, Alex. We don't have all day," Nicholas says impatiently. Nicholas has a tendency to act like an asshole. He pushes my buttons and makes me want to punch him in the face. He never knows when to stop complaining or being a total jackass.

"Alright, alright, keep your pants on," I reply with a chuckle. "Liana Zephyrwind, the CEO of Zenith Innovations, is selling her company. She wants to travel with her family and has accepted my offer of $25 million for the buyout. You all know I love all things tech."

Holden's eyebrows raise in surprise. "That's a steal, Alex! But why do we need to be involved? Isn't this something you can handle on your own?"

"Holden, I believe acquiring her company could be a valuable asset for us. Liana and I were discussing some groundbreaking technology that could revolutionize the hotel industry. Now that she's selling the company, I agreed to continue working on this project using some of her data and my own. Imagine combining her innovations with mine - it could greatly benefit our hotels and increase profits for you and your family. You don't have to be involved if you don't want to; just invest in some shares," I said confidently.

Holden and Nicholas both seemed lost in thought as they considered the opportunity. As their brother, I wanted to help them secure a successful future for themselves and their families. Even though Nicholas doesn't have a family yet, but hell never what he might have in the future.

"If that's the case, I'm interested in buying some shares. But before we make any decisions, I need more information about the project. And let's not forget about our hotel business," Holden replied, eager to discuss their current ventures.

"It's about time we talked about the hotel! But yeah, I wouldn't mind investing in your project too. Can never have too much money," Nicholas chimed in from his seat.

"Cool, I have a meeting with Liana tomorrow to finalize everything with our lawyers. And as for the hotel business, what's on your mind big brother?" I asked Holden.

Holden leaned back on the couch and took out a cigar, lighting it then he begins to speak. "Well, we have a grand opening coming up in two weeks - a fancy ball event in the big ballroom we built specifically for guests and charity events. It was my wife's idea, and I'll be another source of revenue for us."

I nodded in agreement, "That's great news. I'll make sure to be there. I know how much work you've put into that project. Any idea on how we're going to promote it?" I asked.

"We've already hired an event planner and a PR firm to handle all the marketing. Trust me, it's going to be a night to remember. But enough about business, let's enjoy our time together," Holden said, gesturing towards my mini bar. He got up and walked over to the mini bar.

"Alex, what's your poison?" Holden's question about the choice of poison reminded me of all the memories we shared over a good drink. It was always a challenge to keep Nicholas in line when the alcohol started flowing, but it also brought out the camaraderie between us.

I grinned at Holden, as he reached for the bottle of whiskey on the mini bar. "Well, you know me, Holden. Whiskey neat for me," I said as he poured me a glass.

Nicholas, always eager to join in on the fun, piped up, "Make mine a double! Let's kick this celebration off right!"

Holden chuckled and shook his head. "You two never change. Always diving headfirst into everything."

We settled back into our seats, the conversation shifted towards reminiscing about our childhood antics and how far we had come since then. Nicholas even shared a rare moment of vulnerability, talking about his hopes for the future and how he wanted to build something meaningful for himself.

I raised my glass in a toast to our bond as brothers. "To us, may we always have each other's backs and continue to grow together."

The clinking of glasses filled the room, a symbol of unity and mutual support among us. As the day wore on, laughter filled the air, mingling with the warmth of friendship that bound us together. Any chance I get to hang out with my two best friends, I take it. When we were young, we made a pact to live in the same place. We wanted a compound mansion where we could all be together but also have our own living spaces.

Finally, that dream became a reality. This time of day was always special to me. It was a peaceful break from the chaos of life, especially after the rough night I had when breaking up with my girlfriend. But now, I had something to look forward to, and that made all the difference.

As we sat back, reminiscing about old times, the office door suddenly swung open. We weren't expecting anyone. I exchanged puzzled glances with my brothers when a blast from my past walked in. It was a woman I hadn't seen or spoken to in over 10 years, ever since I broke off our engagement due to her cheating on me. She was the last person I ever expected to see... Elara Thornfield.

Dear Beloved Readers,

Welcome to the exhilarating journey that is the opening of Alexander Sterling! We have already begun with a mysterious encounter from someone in his past. Join me as we unravel the identity of this woman and uncover her motives.

Happy Reading!

Pagine D'Oro

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