Episode 14: The Love We Share

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I slam the phone down after shouting, "For fucks sake, Roger, just schedule the damn DNA test. How hard is it to do your job? Don't screw the shit up! " This guy never stops talking and causing trouble. Why did I even hire him as my lawyer? I take a few deep breaths and compose myself before starting my day. I hate fucking Mondays; it is always chaos in the midst of my trying to have a fucking good day.

Sitting back in my office chair, I retrieve my laptop from my bag. Today, Holden wants to review details about the hotel, but honestly, I wish my brother would take more responsibility and handle things himself sometimes. That's why our youngest brother, Nicholas, is also on board to help Holden.

I make sure to attend all the important meetings, but my main focus is developing this groundbreaking software. It has the potential to revolutionize the hotel industry globally, so I can't afford to let it fall into the wrong hands. Running this company is a lot of work, and on top of that, I'm trying to get the hotel software up and running. As I wait for his arrival, I decide to tackle some paperwork while sipping on my espresso. We've been holding our meetings at my office since the construction of the hotel is almost complete.

I hope he has some good news for a change instead of more problems. With three brothers working together, you'd think things would be easier, but no, it's always drama or another issue needing my attention. If only they knew half the shit I deal with outside of work, they'd probably shut up and be grateful for their cushy jobs.

As if on cue, there's a knock at my door before Holden strolls in without waiting for a response. Great, just what I need: him barging into my office unannounced again. I need to have that damn lock fixed. "Hey, Alex, got some updates for you about the hotel," he says, not even bothering to close the door behind him.

"Holden, can you please close the fucking door and sit down?" I snap at him, trying not to lose my cool this early in the day. "So, what's so urgent that couldn't wait for our meeting?"

Holden chuckles slightly as he takes a seat, clearly unfazed by my annoyed tone. "Relax, Alex. Just thought I'd give you a heads-up about the latest feedback from the beta testers. Seems like there are a few bugs that need ironing out before the official launch."

I let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand through my hair. "Of course, there are bugs. Why does nothing ever go smoothly with this project?" I mutter more to myself than to Holden.

Holden raises an eyebrow, "Hey, we knew there would be challenges along the way. It's all part of the process, right?"

I nod, begrudgingly admitting he's right. "Fine, what specifically are we dealing with now?"

He pulls out a notebook and flips through it before responding, "Well, for starters, there's an issue with the booking system crashing intermittently when multiple users try to make reservations simultaneously during the opening of the hotel."

I groan at the news, already dreading the amount of work it will take to fix that problem. "All right, let's prioritize getting that resolved as soon as possible. Anything else?"

Holden nods, "Yeah, a couple of users also reported experiencing slow loading times when accessing certain features on the app."

I lean back in my chair, rubbing my temples in frustration. "Lovely. Just what I needed to hear today."

Holden leans forward slightly, a look of genuine concern on his face. "Don't worry, Alex. We'll figure it out like we always do. You've put so much effort into this software; it's going to be a game-changer once we iron out these kinks. Considering your stress level, why don't you try getting some pussy? Your forehead has been wrinkling a lot lately."

Alexander Sterling (The Sterling Brothers Billionaire Saga BWWM Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now